Who doesn't love red, shiny, shiny red? Who doesn't love metal? Even better, who doesn't love vintage shiny red metal? When I can find such treasures, it makes me happy, dare I say giddy with delight. C'mon, you know what I am talking about.
One, two, three red-capped thermoses. Yup, that makes it a collection.
Red and Black shiny metal tins ........... be still my heart. Shiny Red and Black PLAID tins, I am in Heaven!
Red metal lid on glass jar.....loving the lid.
It looks like it is a grater of some sort. I have never seen one like this before. Any suggestions? This glass jar is definitely a Vintage Thingie.
Cute size, shiny red toolbox. What treasures would you store inside?
To think that someone was tossing out that beautiful red tin can.
Of course there are delightful vintage kitchen gadgets.
Please join Sue @ It's a Very Cherry World for Wednesday is REDnesday (Click here) and for Vintage Thingie Thursday with Suzanne @ The Coloradolady (Click here). They are such great hostesses with such fun parties, please do stop by for a visit.
Just wanted to let you know my grinder(s) like that have plastic tops that allow the contents to be shaken from the jar. Thought probably for nuts but I'm not sure.
LOVE all the red in your pictures-I can't pass up a single thing myself that is red-ask the hubby-lol!!
I also enjoy reading your blog - many good wishes on opening your shop!
What a fantastic display of vintage reds. I love it! I never thought to put the red thermoses together like that-really cute. I'll be looking for those next time I'm junking.
Hi Sherrie! What wonderful things you have, such fun and charming reds! I am fascinated by the jar with the slots in the lid and the key kind of thingie! Wow, that's so cool and such a mystery. I'd love to hear what it is. I thought perhaps it was to shred stuff and then be a container for it but what on earth is the key thingie for??? Does it turn something? Love it, whatever it is. :)
Sherrie, WONDERFUL collection!!!! That jar is for peanuts and it came with it's own chopper! You know for sundaes????? I have a planters Peanut one like that, but it is blue and yellow and is in the storage room somewhere......:):)
Oh Sherrie, this was without a doubt the best Rednesday entry today! I've always had a fondness for thermoses, and plaid, and granite. I want to scoop up everything in these pictures and bring them home with me! Happy REDnesday! Carol
Great vintage finds. I so wish I had more time to browse at the thrift stores. I must treat myself to it one of these days. These are lovely. Thanks for sharing and happy REDnesday!
Hi Sherri, That is a nut chopper. We had one while I was growing up and we used it to chop walnuts up for cookies. I am sure that my parents still have it. I have seen them in my travels, but rust is an issue on the metal top. I will have to see if my folks still have theirs, though it wouldn't surprise me if they do, since they lived through the Depression and value useful tools. Have a good one, hope to see you soon.
DEFINITELY a nut grinder! Mom's has a metal cap - grinds nuts VERY fine. I FINALLY begged and pleaded it out of her cupboard after MANY years of use, and now it is in mine, where it is still in constant use!
I think she only agreed for sentimental reasons, since Mom/Dad's original kitchen when first married (almost 60 yrs ago) was 'RED', and now I have taken over a love affair of retro red in our kitchen - she loves contributing bits of 'them' to it!!
Great collection of vintage red goodies here! I'm wondering if that's some kind of nut grinder, although it seems kind of backwards to me. Love the thermoses!
These are amazing red things!! I love red too, but lately have been buying some green and turquoise things. I love your thermos collection! I have one but it is turquoise. I remember these well from my childhood! Happy VTT! Thanks so much for linking in today!!
Not the comment I meant to leave before-sorry!
Just wanted to let you know my grinder(s) like that have plastic tops that allow the contents to be shaken from the jar. Thought probably for nuts but I'm not sure.
LOVE all the red in your pictures-I can't pass up a single thing myself that is red-ask the hubby-lol!!
I also enjoy reading your blog - many good wishes on opening your shop!
Sadie @ Serendipity
I *love* that red plaid tin - I must find some of my own now! I'm glad Sadie knew what the little grindy-jar is for because I didn't have a clue. :-)
Great display. Fabulous red finds. Thanks for sharing.
What a fantastic display of vintage reds. I love it! I never thought to put the red thermoses together like that-really cute. I'll be looking for those next time I'm junking.
Hi Sherrie!
What wonderful things you have, such fun and charming reds! I am fascinated by the jar with the slots in the lid and the key kind of thingie! Wow, that's so cool and such a mystery. I'd love to hear what it is. I thought perhaps it was to shred stuff and then be a container for it but what on earth is the key thingie for??? Does it turn something? Love it, whatever it is. :)
Happy Rednesday,
WONDERFUL collection!!!! That jar is for peanuts and it came with it's own chopper! You know for sundaes????? I have a planters Peanut one like that, but it is blue and yellow and is in the storage room somewhere......:):)
Loving all your reds! I like how they are grouped, just makes them even more awesome. The plaid and red and vintage...sigh...heaven!
My name is Gail and I am addicted to shopping at the Goodwill, lol!! Great red items and displayed so very nicely. Great scores!!
You have gathered a lot of nice reds. I enjoyed your blog and your show of thermos.
Oh Sherrie, this was without a doubt the best Rednesday entry today! I've always had a fondness for thermoses, and plaid, and granite. I want to scoop up everything in these pictures and bring them home with me!
Happy REDnesday!
Great vintage finds. I so wish I had more time to browse at the thrift stores. I must treat myself to it one of these days. These are lovely. Thanks for sharing and happy REDnesday!
Hi Sherri,
That is a nut chopper. We had one while I was growing up and we used it to chop walnuts up for cookies. I am sure that my parents still have it. I have seen them in my travels, but rust is an issue on the metal top. I will have to see if my folks still have theirs, though it wouldn't surprise me if they do, since they lived through the Depression and value useful tools.
Have a good one, hope to see you soon.
I always enjoy visiting your blog!
I love the red kitchen stuff, anything red really! Visiting from VTT~
Wonderful vintage stuff!
oh WOW what a fun post i really enjoyed all your delightful red gadgets!! and your tins which i also collect..i LOVE it ALL!!:) x
Lots of great vintage reds. My Granny had one of those grinders. She put whole walnuts in there and it ground them up for ice cream! :)
DEFINITELY a nut grinder! Mom's has a metal cap - grinds nuts VERY fine. I FINALLY begged and pleaded it out of her cupboard after MANY years of use, and now it is in mine, where it is still in constant use!
I think she only agreed for sentimental reasons, since Mom/Dad's original kitchen when first married (almost 60 yrs ago) was 'RED', and now I have taken over a love affair of retro red in our kitchen - she loves contributing bits of 'them' to it!!
My favorites are the tins. Even the thermoses look interesting in a group.
Loving the red vignette...nice collection...I'm jealous.
have a good one,
Lots of great things. Thanks for sharing...
Great collection of vintage red goodies here! I'm wondering if that's some kind of nut grinder, although it seems kind of backwards to me. Love the thermoses!
These are amazing red things!! I love red too, but lately have been buying some green and turquoise things. I love your thermos collection! I have one but it is turquoise. I remember these well from my childhood! Happy VTT! Thanks so much for linking in today!!
Love the red!
PS. Thanks for coming by again
See you soon
What a bright, cheery post!!
I KNEW I'd seen the jar-with-a-sardine-key! There's another small cup which fits upside-down over the lid, for chopping nuts and other items.
I wouldn't doubt that just the lids might have been for sale, for using with a standard jar?
I ventured in on the PINK Saturday from Bev's, but will return to delve more into your interesting collections.
Now that's one nice lookin' red collection, especially the tins!
Interesting finds; I'm in love with your thermos collection, but its all great stuff.
I love all your vintage reds ! Wonderful thermos collection .
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