It may be raining outside, dreary, cold and wet............ but I am keeping warm, surrounded by all my cheery reds. You know I love Red. It is evident in both my closet and my interior design. It makes me warm, cheery and oh so happy. What better way to celebrate a little Red giddiness than with Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for the ever popular and fun Wednesday is Rednesday. (Click here for the party.)
Please pull up a chair, pour yourself some coffee and let's chat. Don't you just love that barber's chair a $3.00 lawnsale find. The table and chairs are from an auction $50.00.
Red painted utensils, tins, potholders, cookie jars and aprons .......... makes a girl giddy!
Curtains made from vintage tablecloths, stainless steel cart, and a very diner feel with plates and ceramic red fork and spoon. The fork and spoon were Goodwill finds for $.99 each. The cashier asked me what on earth I was going to use them for as they were quite "garish". She was a new cashier at the store and didn't know me , yet.
Of course, now that the leaves are falling, thoughts are quickly turning to Christmas, my very favorite time to display my reds ..... angels, stockings and trees.
It was officially a year ago that I had A Conversation at Goodwill with my friend Tiff @ Folded Gingham about blogging. (Hence the title of this blog.) As we were perusing the aisles at our favorite place to be on a Friday night, she told me how easy and rewarding blogging was and suggested that I might like to give it a try. Admittedly, I am not the most computer savvy person, but am proud to say that I have learned so much in a year's time from assembling photo collages, adding text to photos and links to my posts. I couldn't of done it without the support of all the wonderful people that I have met while blogging, too many people to list in one post.
So here is a big thank you coming your way, a One Year Anniversary Giveaway.
1. Please leave a comment here telling me about a favorite thrift store find for one chance to enter.
2. Please post about the Giveaway on your blog for a second chance to win, as well as leaving me another comment that you have done so.
3. If you would like, follow my blogging adventures for another chance. Each follower automatically gets a chance. Thank you.
The prize you ask? Some of my Goodwill treasures. If you have been following along, you will be familiar with my vintage Goodwill scores. I will be showing pieces up through the 10th for your viewing pleasure. Thank you all for a wonderful year.
Please be sure to visit Sue and see all the fun reds at her party.
Awesome reds.So much fun.Thanks for showing them.A favorite thrift store hard to narrow that down.Last week I got a pair of vintage cross country skis (in red and white of course!)- that might be my current favorite.I'm looking around the house and thinking, "well I love that.Oh and I love that.Over that, I love that too!"Congrats on your blogging adventure.
Love your cheery red post today. :) Hmmm, just one favorite thrift store find? That is hard, but one was a vintage 50's duvet/blanket cover I found for $3.00. It is off white with small floral print with a bright yellow border that has dark cameos and pink floral trim. It is lovely. Makes me smile. :)
Every time I come home from the thrift, I bring hom a new favorite! Although I adore my vintage treasures now, I htink my favorte item ever was something we needed. We needed a rail for my son't bed to keep him from rolling out when he was a toddler. Not only couldn't I find them locally, they were expensive on-line. Money was very tight back then. One day I stopped at the thrift and had $3.00 in my pocket. I spied a set of bed rails! Hurrah! And, they were $3.00! Once again, the Thrift Gods smiled down on me.
You always have the best finds. Love the red spoon and fork displayed on the light aqua wall. My favorite combination. Sounds like a great giveaway but unfortunately I don't have any thrift store experience. I have been meaning to find a good local one especially when I see all of your posts. Best wishes to the lucky winner.
As an "I LOVE LUCY" day as I was strolling along my favorite goodwill...low and behold there she was in all her glory an idential plate from the "I LOVE LUCY" show....Just about had to change my pants I was sooooo excitied....My favorite by far...lindeelou
Sherrie a year!! Congrats! I am coming up on my one year next week! How fun that we started about the same time!! I love blogging and you know I love my thrifting and bargains. I always love to see what you have found (such as your red knife & fork). My favorite Thrift Store find...gosh I have so many....I guess it is a set of 4 Pyrex snowflake casseroles for under $20~ or my Longaberger basket for $1.50~ or...gosh I have too many too choose from! Congrats on one year my friend!! Thank you for the chance to enter you wonderful giveaway!
A lovely red post and even nicer giveaway! I always am posting about my thrifty finds...most recently, today's REDnesday post - - RED embroidery floss -- LOTS of it!! Please enter me in and I am now following you!
Hi Sherries, Happy Blogirthday! I bet you never thought you could do it this well? Your vintage Reds are all just awesome. I chuckled when reading the comment from the Goodwill cashier. Surely, she knows you by know. Thanks so much for stopping by on Rednesday. Good Luck!
Sherry, We stop at all Goodwills we come across and have been in them in numerous states and cities. all-time favorite is the Goodwill in Iowa City, Iowa. I have found more great bargains there than anywhere. I would give up dinner out at my favorite restaurant for a stop at this particular Goodwill. Really! Oh, and my second favorite place to shop is a Fett auction. Fett is my favorite auction service. 8+) ★Linda★
great finds indeed. I love the Goodwill and other Thrift Stores... I have found many treasures... My most faves are my tow old quilts, and the little things...most everything I own are Thrifted. I guess you can say i love all my goodies and treasures. i have learned over the years though only to collect what I love!!!! or it will get out of hand...Happy Blogaversary too...what a great milestone huh..Hae an awesome week..Mica//The Child's Paper I am also adding myself as a new follower..hugs.
Hi Sherry, Congratulations on your one year anniversary of blogging. I have only just begun and really have no idea what I am doing yet. I would love to post about your giveaway, but can't figure out how to even do that! I will keep trying to figure it out.
One of my greatest finds was an old Howdy Doody doll that I got for .50!!! Later sold it for $36.00 in a consignment store.I had heart palpitations the day I found that.
Thanks for sharing in your blog. Enjoy it very much. Anne
I "found" you at Linda's and just HAD to come over and become a follower ~ we have A LOT in common! Congrat's on your 1 Year Blog Birthday as I like to call it! Would love a chance, make that 2 chances to win your giveaway. Thank you for having one. Deb :)
Congrats Sherrie on your first fun-filled blog anniversary! You know I enjoy my visits here, and I've especially liked following your adventures as a shop owner. It's so hard to pick a favorite thrifted item. I love them all, but probably right now it's a vintage Halloween planter! Love all your reds today, especially that Christmas stocking ! Happy REDnesday! Carol p.s. I'm a follower!
I love all the reds! My kitchen is decorated in mostly vintage reds too, and of course ALL of it thrifted.
It is so hard to pick a favorite thrifted find, but I think it is the one I nabbed last week. I had been pricing professional dress forms for a month, scouring ebay, craigslist, amazon, etc. They were all too much money. The thrift Gods were smiling upon me last weekend when I walked into my favorite store and lo and behold, a brand new dress form (adjustable!) for $30. I could not believe it! You bet I snatched that baby up as fast as I could! I have her in my sewing room now and she has already been put to work. I named her Hazel.
Thanks for all the great blogging and congrats on one year!
Hi Sherrie, Love all the wonderful cheery reds, just wonderful! I am so excited for your fabulous giveaway, Happy Anniversary my sweet friend!! I have to say my favorite thrift store find was a huge hand painted tole tray for super cheap. Now every time I look at the price of other trays I smile to myself knowing that I scored one for next to nothing! Have fun with your giveaway! Sincerely, melinda
I am in Australia right now and the thrift shops are called op shops (opportunity shops). I got a beautiful sectioned pyrex dish I think its 1 1/2 qts for 3 dollars.
However, I think what you find in the States is huge in comparison.
Happy 1 year anniversary! My favorite thrifting find? Well, I don't go a lot but once I stopped by at the place where I always drop off donations and found out that everything was 1/2 off or the next 3 days. I bought a few stuff but the one I liked the most was a hobnail lamp I got for $1.50. I took it home, cleaned it and painted the stem white and distressed it a bit, then sold it for $12 at my shop. It sold the same day I took it there....Christine
Happy Blogiversary Sherrie!!! I'm so happy you enjoy blogging.
I have a funny little story from today. I had an errand to run and my mom wanted to go to Goodwill(again), so I dropped her off and gave her my discount card. When I picked her up, she told me that when she went to pay, the cashier looked at the card and said "you are Tiffaney -----". My mom told her that she was visiting from Ohio and the cashier let her use it. But apparantly, all the cashiers know me by name now at goodwill. I spend way too much time and money there.
Oh, and I can't wait for Saturday!! Looking forward to the new displays!! favorite thrift find. Oh, that's hard! I have so many! LOL I think back (way back!) when I was in my mid 20's I went to an estate sale and bought a cigar box filled with junk jewelry for $2.00. Inside was a pretty pair of dangly earrings. I took them to a local jeweler to have them cleaned and fix one of the posts. He told me they were from the early 30's and they were sterling silver with real rubies and diamonds. They are gorgous and I still wear them all the time!
Great vintage finds at the Goodwill, I have a kitchen in reds also, old sifters, tins, canisters, and utensils, love to win some great kitchen stuff or any of your great fu=ins. Count me in! My favorite most recent find is a plate with Pink roses that I shared on one of my Pink Saturday post. It matched a lamp that we bought on our honeymoon years ago. A keeper for sure! Hugs, Marilou
One favorite? Ah, come on Sherri, that would be like admitting I like one of my children more than the other. I have so many great finds that I could never, ever pick just one. Sorry. I guess since my mom's family came over without any treasures, I am acquiring a family history of old things. I don't have things that go way, way back on her side. My dad's family were stinky and gave everything to his sister. I did get my great, great, great grandfather's Civil War sword, since no one cared for it. Can you believe that? But a favorite GW find or tag sale find? Too many to write about. Congrats on your one year anniversary. If I win, I can come and pick it up so, here's hoping that I am the lucky one!
I love your blog, first of all. Now for my favorite thrifty find - hmmmmm, that's hard. I've found so many wonderful things at Goodwill. My latest was a black wrap that was exactly what my Mom needed for a trip. If I have a week, I can usually find whatever it is I need.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I enjoy reading about all your vintage finds and the red stuff was super! One of my best finds was a small Stieff dog. That was 5 years ago and it is still sitting on a dresser in my spare bedroom! It's one of my favorite posessions. Thanks again for an entertaining read.
A favorite thrift store find...this is hard because I have NO luck at thrift stores!! But I guess it would have to be...a cute old handpaited Russian box. These boxes are usually around $40 and I found this lacquer box in perfect condition for $3!! Man..I had to think hard on know I always tell you I'm not as lucky as you in that area!!
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.My favorite thrift store find was giant acorns they go great in my outside display for thanksgiving.I add them in my giant cornicupia along with pumpkins and squash.Harvest Blessings!~Amy
I thought I already ask you to include me but I dont see my name,so please excuse me if I already did this.I love all the red and would love to be included in your give away please.
Can I just say I luv, luv, luv all of the red... As for my fav GW find--guess it would be my first find whch was about 3 weeks ago (I'm new to the GW scene)--was a very cool/brand new Black CowBoy boots... Luv them!
ooooohhhh I am a newbie to your blog! I love it and am going to "follow" you now! LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your red things. My kitchen is painted red with all things cherry for accents. My living room is done in shades of red and green with lots of red accessories. My favorite thrifty find would have to be the day my sister "found" a antique wooden corner unit with glass front doors around the block from my house! Hubs and I raced over there to pick it up before anyone else could "find it" LOL!!!! Ann Marie
Congrats on 1 year! Love your blog, and I now follow you. My greatest treasure was a 12 inch wooden bowl that was also 12 inches tall. I love that thing! Linda G.
My current favorite find isn't technically from a thrift store; it's from an estate sale. It's a pair of 1950's military safety glasses ala Drew Carey - deliciously nerdy. Congratulations on your anniversary. I mentioned it on my blog.
GARISH?? bless her heart, some people just have no sense of adventure---I guess thats why they make vanilla-LOL Shay in beautiful upstate South Carolina
Awesome reds.So much fun.Thanks for showing them.A favorite thrift store hard to narrow that down.Last week I got a pair of vintage cross country skis (in red and white of course!)- that might be my current favorite.I'm looking around the house and thinking, "well I love that.Oh and I love that.Over that, I love that too!"Congrats on your blogging adventure.
happy one yr. anniversary..
love all your pretty reds...
I loved all the various reds you shared today. I am not very good at shopping Goodwill. Seems I always pick the wrong day, and find nothing.
Love your cheery red post today. :) Hmmm, just one favorite thrift store find? That is hard, but one was a vintage 50's duvet/blanket cover I found for $3.00. It is off white with small floral print with a bright yellow border that has dark cameos and pink floral trim. It is lovely. Makes me smile. :)
Hi Sherrie, My blog today is dedicated to you, your cheery reds and your vintage giveaway. Thanks for sharing with us all. :)
Every time I come home from the thrift, I bring hom a new favorite! Although I adore my vintage treasures now, I htink my favorte item ever was something we needed. We needed a rail for my son't bed to keep him from rolling out when he was a toddler. Not only couldn't I find them locally, they were expensive on-line. Money was very tight back then. One day I stopped at the thrift and had $3.00 in my pocket. I spied a set of bed rails! Hurrah! And, they were $3.00! Once again, the Thrift Gods smiled down on me.
You always have the best finds. Love the red spoon and fork displayed on the light aqua wall. My favorite combination. Sounds like a great giveaway but unfortunately I don't have any thrift store experience. I have been meaning to find a good local one especially when I see all of your posts. Best wishes to the lucky winner.
Happy REDnesday!
As an "I LOVE LUCY" day as I was strolling along my favorite goodwill...low and behold there she was in all her glory an idential plate from the "I LOVE LUCY" show....Just about had to change my pants I was sooooo excitied....My favorite by far...lindeelou
Sherrie a year!! Congrats! I am coming up on my one year next week! How fun that we started about the same time!! I love blogging and you know I love my thrifting and bargains. I always love to see what you have found (such as your red knife & fork). My favorite Thrift Store find...gosh I have so many....I guess it is a set of 4 Pyrex snowflake casseroles for under $20~ or my Longaberger basket for $1.50~ or...gosh I have too many too choose from! Congrats on one year my friend!! Thank you for the chance to enter you wonderful giveaway!
Great blog! I found a great barnwood picture frame at the junk store. Love it.
Sherrie I added your giveaway to my sidebar! Hugs to you!
A lovely red post and even nicer giveaway! I always am posting about my thrifty finds...most recently, today's REDnesday post - - RED embroidery floss -- LOTS of it!! Please enter me in and I am now following you!
Love the reds. I think my favorite thrift store find was some Fire king dishes.
Hi Sherries,
Happy Blogirthday! I bet you never thought you could do it this well? Your vintage Reds are all just awesome. I chuckled when reading the comment from the Goodwill cashier. Surely, she knows you by know.
Thanks so much for stopping by on Rednesday. Good Luck!
I love reading about your great scores. You are the bargain queen! Of course, I am a follower!
I am posting your Blogaversary giveaway on my sidebar!
We stop at all Goodwills we come across and have been in them in numerous states and cities. all-time favorite is the Goodwill in Iowa City, Iowa. I have found more great bargains there than anywhere. I would give up dinner out at my favorite restaurant for a stop at this particular Goodwill. Really!
Oh, and my second favorite place to shop is a Fett auction. Fett is my favorite auction service. 8+)
great finds indeed. I love the Goodwill and other Thrift Stores... I have found many treasures... My most faves are my tow old quilts, and the little things...most everything I own are Thrifted. I guess you can say i love all my goodies and treasures. i have learned over the years though only to collect what I love!!!! or it will get out of hand...Happy Blogaversary too...what a great milestone huh..Hae an awesome week..Mica//The Child's Paper
I am also adding myself as a new follower..hugs.
Hi Sherry,
Congratulations on your one year anniversary of blogging. I have only just begun and really have no idea what I am doing yet. I would love to post about your giveaway, but can't figure out how to even do that!
I will keep trying to figure it out.
One of my greatest finds was an old Howdy Doody doll that I got for .50!!! Later sold it for $36.00 in a consignment store.I had heart palpitations the day I found that.
Thanks for sharing in your blog. Enjoy it very much.
I "found" you at Linda's and just HAD to come over and become a follower ~ we have A LOT in common!
Congrat's on your 1 Year Blog Birthday as I like to call it! Would love a chance, make that 2 chances to win your giveaway. Thank you for having one.
Deb :)
I've had so many favorite finds! My Shawnee owl cookie jar is one, platters and dishes, sewing notions, and vintage books...
I'm a happy follower!!
Congrats Sherrie on your first fun-filled blog anniversary! You know I enjoy my visits here, and I've especially liked following your adventures as a shop owner.
It's so hard to pick a favorite thrifted item. I love them all, but probably right now it's a vintage Halloween planter!
Love all your reds today, especially that Christmas stocking !
Happy REDnesday!
p.s. I'm a follower!
Love the reds especially the vintage Christmas which is my favorite. I can't wait to get in my storage locker and pull all mine out.
I love all the reds! My kitchen is decorated in mostly vintage reds too, and of course ALL of it thrifted.
It is so hard to pick a favorite thrifted find, but I think it is the one I nabbed last week. I had been pricing professional dress forms for a month, scouring ebay, craigslist, amazon, etc. They were all too much money. The thrift Gods were smiling upon me last weekend when I walked into my favorite store and lo and behold, a brand new dress form (adjustable!) for $30. I could not believe it! You bet I snatched that baby up as fast as I could! I have her in my sewing room now and she has already been put to work. I named her Hazel.
Thanks for all the great blogging and congrats on one year!
Hi Sherrie,
Love all the wonderful cheery reds, just wonderful!
I am so excited for your fabulous giveaway, Happy Anniversary my sweet friend!!
I have to say my favorite thrift store find was a huge hand painted tole tray for super cheap. Now every time I look at the price of other trays I smile to myself knowing that I scored one for next to nothing!
Have fun with your giveaway!
I've been a faithful follower for a while now!!
I am putting your giveaway button on my sidebar, although maybe I shouldn't so I can increase my chances for winning! :)
I am in Australia right now and the thrift shops are called op shops (opportunity shops). I got a beautiful sectioned pyrex dish I think its 1 1/2 qts for 3 dollars.
However, I think what you find in the States is huge in comparison.
Happy 1 year anniversary! My favorite thrifting find? Well, I don't go a lot but once I stopped by at the place where I always drop off donations and found out that everything was 1/2 off or the next 3 days. I bought a few stuff but the one I liked the most was a hobnail lamp I got for $1.50. I took it home, cleaned it and painted the stem white and distressed it a bit, then sold it for $12 at my shop. It sold the same day I took it there....Christine
Happy Blogiversary Sherrie!!! I'm so happy you enjoy blogging.
I have a funny little story from today. I had an errand to run and my mom wanted to go to Goodwill(again), so I dropped her off and gave her my discount card. When I picked her up, she told me that when she went to pay, the cashier looked at the card and said "you are Tiffaney -----". My mom told her that she was visiting from Ohio and the cashier let her use it. But apparantly, all the cashiers know me by name now at goodwill. I spend way too much time and money there.
Oh, and I can't wait for Saturday!! Looking forward to the new displays!!
Great pictures of red. My favorite Goodwill find is my Staffordshire Finlandia dishes. I found some plates last week to add to what I found earlier.
I enjoyed visiting here today and decided to become your newest follower.
You have a beautiful collection of REDS! They areso nice the way you decorated your kitchen. Thanks for stopping by....julian
Wow, lots of cute reds~! favorite thrift find. Oh, that's hard! I have so many! LOL I think back (way back!) when I was in my mid 20's I went to an estate sale and bought a cigar box filled with junk jewelry for $2.00. Inside was a pretty pair of dangly earrings. I took them to a local jeweler to have them cleaned and fix one of the posts. He told me they were from the early 30's and they were sterling silver with real rubies and diamonds. They are gorgous and I still wear them all the time!
And of course I am a follower!
Oh, I hope some of the giveaway is red! I love it! I found a perfect old clear glass refrigerator veggie storage box and I love it!
I'm going to join your other followers now!
Great vintage finds at the Goodwill, I have a kitchen in reds also, old sifters, tins, canisters, and utensils, love to win some great kitchen stuff or any of your great fu=ins. Count me in! My favorite most recent find is a plate with Pink roses that I shared on one of my Pink Saturday post. It matched a lamp that we bought on our honeymoon years ago. A keeper for sure! Hugs, Marilou
I'm back, now I'm a follower! I'll blog about it this week! Happy Pink Saturday today!
One favorite? Ah, come on Sherri, that would be like admitting I like one of my children more than the other. I have so many great finds that I could never, ever pick just one. Sorry. I guess since my mom's family came over without any treasures, I am acquiring a family history of old things. I don't have things that go way, way back on her side. My dad's family were stinky and gave everything to his sister. I did get my great, great, great grandfather's Civil War sword, since no one cared for it. Can you believe that? But a favorite GW find or tag sale find? Too many to write about.
Congrats on your one year anniversary. If I win, I can come and pick it up so, here's hoping that I am the lucky one!
I love your blog, first of all. Now for my favorite thrifty find - hmmmmm, that's hard. I've found so many wonderful things at Goodwill. My latest was a black wrap that was exactly what my Mom needed for a trip. If I have a week, I can usually find whatever it is I need.
I'm also a follower.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I enjoy reading about all your vintage finds and the red stuff was super! One of my best finds was a small Stieff dog. That was 5 years ago and it is still sitting on a dresser in my spare bedroom! It's one of my favorite posessions. Thanks again for an entertaining read.
Congrats on one year!! Your blog is one of my favorites! I would love to be entered in your giveaway...and I am already a follower!
A favorite thrift store find...this is hard because I have NO luck at thrift stores!! But I guess it would have to be...a cute old handpaited Russian box. These boxes are usually around $40 and I found this lacquer box in perfect condition for $3!! Man..I had to think hard on know I always tell you I'm not as lucky as you in that area!!
Congrats on one year! My favorite thrift store find is a Lladro figurine.
lexbyam at gmail dot com
I"m a feed follower!
Congrats on one year! My favorite thrift store find is a Lladro figurine.
lexbyam at gmail dot com
My favorite find is a little dresser for my son!!!
I'm a happy new follower!!!
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.My favorite thrift store find was giant acorns they go great in my outside display for thanksgiving.I add them in my giant cornicupia along with pumpkins and squash.Harvest Blessings!~Amy
I almost forgot my 3rd entry because of course I am a follower of your wonderful blog!!
I thought I already ask you to include me but I dont see my name,so please excuse me if I already did this.I love all the red and would love to be included in your give away please.
My favorite find would be my black and green teacup. It was in perfect condition and so pretty.This rings a bell,did I already post this?
I am a follower.Help,am I having a senior moment.I'm so sorry if I already did this
Can I just say I luv, luv, luv all of the red... As for my fav GW find--guess it would be my first find whch was about 3 weeks ago (I'm new to the GW scene)--was a very cool/brand new Black CowBoy boots... Luv them!
Just to let you know... I mentioned your give away on my blog... :)
ooooohhhh I am a newbie to your blog! I love it and am going to "follow" you now! LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your red things. My kitchen is painted red with all things cherry for accents. My living room is done in shades of red and green with lots of red accessories. My favorite thrifty find would have to be the day my sister "found" a antique wooden corner unit with glass front doors around the block from my house! Hubs and I raced over there to pick it up before anyone else could "find it" LOL!!!!
Ann Marie
Congrats on 1 year! Love your blog, and I now follow you. My greatest treasure was a 12 inch wooden bowl that was also 12 inches tall. I love that thing!
Linda G.
My current favorite find isn't technically from a thrift store; it's from an estate sale. It's a pair of 1950's military safety glasses ala Drew Carey - deliciously nerdy. Congratulations on your anniversary. I mentioned it on my blog.
GARISH?? bless her heart, some people just have no sense of adventure---I guess thats why they make vanilla-LOL Shay in beautiful upstate South Carolina
I am a loyal follower! Shay in sc
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