Today is cold and autumn blustery. My yard is full of fallen leaves and the garden is begging to be put to bed. After cutting back everything for next Spring, only my Autumn Joy Sedum will be left to stand out against the soon to be arriving snow drifts. I admit that the cooler weather finds me focusing more on inside decorating than outside clean up.
As we begin our countdown to Thanksgiving and of course Christmas, I thought I would share a few of my fall favorite decorations. All Vintage and Thrifty, of course.This creamer, teacup & saucer were Goodwill finds, $1.99 each. The black and orange is perfect for Halloween, while not being regulated to just the celebration of that one holiday. No mark on the dishes other than Made in Japan.
Nothing says Fall like a white painted pumpkin (Dollar Store), feather grasses, and Turkey feathers from my friend's backyard.
A pair of carved wooden owls (a close-out find from the Foreside Co. $1.00 each), pair of wooden band boxes (lawnsale finds for $1.00 each) and a crow feather from my backyard.
Old crock (passed down from family) and two hand-made pieces, again lawnsale finds. The black and orange birds were from a flea market for $1.50 apiece. They sport a Made in Japan tag and I absolutely love them. The wooden pumpkin has been a perennial favorite of mine.
All three are lawnsale items. The orange ceramic owl (Made in Japan -- $.25 cents) sits in front of a framed Book tag ($2.00) and framed owl print ($1.00). The book tag stays through Thanksgiving; however these orange owls go back in the box till next September.
This little framed owl painting is at home being framed by the much larger carved frame. Perfect for Halloween and the rest of the year. Lawnsale finds, frame $1.00 and little painting $.50 cents.
Hallway mirror wears a black boa (Goodwill $.99 cents) and a wreath made with Turkey feathers and acorns. (Home Goods clearance item $3.00). After Halloween the black boa comes down but the turkey feathers stay up until it gets replaced by a Christmas Wreath.
A glass topped driftwood table in the front parlor has pumpkins, gourds and leaves for a fall decoration. Everything you see is fake but really good quality. These were bought years ago at $8 - $9 apiece; but with years of use, I have more than gotten my monies worth.
There is a warmth to pewter that makes it perfect for fall decorating. All three pieces have been passed down in the family and are easily 100 years old. The pewter candlestick holders came from a store going out of business sale for $12 for the pair. After Thanksgiving, the candles are switched to white, and sprigs of greenery and pine cones will be added to the cups. The mini pumpkin wreath will be exchanged for one made with red berries.
Today I am pleased to share my thrifty finds with Linda @ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays. Please clickhere for your invite to the party or see Linda's button on my sidebar. I am also stopping over at Selena @ Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday. Please click here to visit.
Also a reminder about my One Year Blog-aversary. Please click here to join in the fun.
Here is another peek at what Goodwill treasures will be going to the lucky winner. This is a piece of sheet music that just jumped out at me. The song is titled Huggin' and Chalkin' and you can see the man's hand in the drawing placing chalk marks on the backside of the woman. I was going to frame it and have it hanging with my home-made chalkboards at the shop. I am not going to spoil the surprise by sharing the lyrics to this song.
Remember the give-away ends November 10th. Thank you to all who have taken the time to leave comments.
My how time flies. The month of October has flown by, once again it is already Pink Saturday. It is time to join our hostess Beverly@ How Sweet the Sound for a little bit of Pink Fun. This time we get to showcase some Pink Halloween Trick or Treats. To meet up with Beverly for the party, please click here.
I love this photo of my daughter and her friend, dressing up for a Halloween party. This pink dress was one of her favorite play dress-up outfits and got a lot of use.
This year for Halloween I decided to try something different for the dining room mantle, a pink & cream theme. I had a couple of ceramic cream pumpkins that I paired with a few fake mini gourds and pumpkins, of course painted pink. Something different. I liked the look.
Did I mentioned that I also painted some leaves?
This fuzzy-pink-sweater-heart-holding-kitty makes the perfect birthday gift for my friend who celebrates her birthday today. The plastic pink pumpkin was $.99 cents. Who knew they made these in Pink? I guess Pink is the new Orange.
Happy Birthday Darcy!
I found a stack of these cloth cocktail napkins at a recent church sale. These little pink spirits look like they are having fun. The owl; however, looks a little nonplussed.
Please be sure to stop over and say Happy Halloween to Beverly and all her guests at Pink Saturday. It should get you in the mood for Trick or Treating.
The prizes are going to be some of my special Goodwill treasures, like this vintage Rebus scarf from Symphony.
(Please click here for the story about the scarf.) I will be posting more of the planned prizes over the next few days. Please remember that the giveaway will end at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time on the 10th. Good luck.
It may be raining outside, dreary, cold and wet............ but I am keeping warm, surrounded by all my cheery reds. You know I love Red. It is evident in both my closet and my interior design. It makes me warm, cheery and oh so happy. What better way to celebrate a little Red giddiness than with Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for the ever popular and fun Wednesday is Rednesday. (Click here for the party.)
Please pull up a chair, pour yourself some coffee and let's chat. Don't you just love that barber's chair a $3.00 lawnsale find. The table and chairs are from an auction $50.00.
Red painted utensils, tins, potholders, cookie jars and aprons .......... makes a girl giddy!
Curtains made from vintage tablecloths, stainless steel cart, and a very diner feel with plates and ceramic red fork and spoon. The fork and spoon were Goodwill finds for $.99 each. The cashier asked me what on earth I was going to use them for as they were quite "garish". She was a new cashier at the store and didn't know me , yet.
Of course, now that the leaves are falling, thoughts are quickly turning to Christmas, my very favorite time to display my reds ..... angels, stockings and trees.
It was officially a year ago that I had A Conversation at Goodwill with my friend Tiff @ Folded Gingham about blogging. (Hence the title of this blog.) As we were perusing the aisles at our favorite place to be on a Friday night, she told me how easy and rewarding blogging was and suggested that I might like to give it a try. Admittedly, I am not the most computer savvy person, but am proud to say that I have learned so much in a year's time from assembling photo collages, adding text to photos and links to my posts. I couldn't of done it without the support of all the wonderful people that I have met while blogging, too many people to list in one post.
So here is a big thank you coming your way, a One Year Anniversary Giveaway.
1. Please leave a comment here telling me about a favorite thrift store find for one chance to enter.
2. Please post about the Giveaway on your blog for a second chance to win, as well as leaving me another comment that you have done so.
3. If you would like, follow my blogging adventures for another chance. Each follower automatically gets a chance. Thank you.
The prize you ask? Some of my Goodwill treasures. If you have been following along, you will be familiar with my vintage Goodwill scores. I will be showing pieces up through the 10th for your viewing pleasure. Thank you all for a wonderful year.
Please be sure to visit Sue and see all the fun reds at her party.
I love learning new things, finding a new treasure, and having a chance to do a little research. I recently found this pink, what I thought to be a casserole dish, at Salvation Army for $1.99. When I turned it over I saw it was marked "Made exclusively by The Hall China Co. for Hotpoint Refrigerators". This was new to me. Of course, we all know (and highly covet) Pyrex Refrigerator Sets, but I didn't know of any others. This 1040's refrigerator dish with lid was the forerunner of Tupperware.
The original Hallware represents an era baby-boomers can relate to. There's a good chance their mothers and grandmothers had several pieces of Hall that they used in the kitchen, as the china was often given via promotions by companies like Westinghouse, Hotpoint, Lipton, Jewel Tea, and many more.
I just liked it because it was pink ........ being from the 1940's was an added bonus.
Have a blessed Saturday and please be sure to stop by How Sweet the Sound (Please click here) to visit with Beverly and all the other participants of Pink Saturday.
My friend: "It was old, tacky and destined for the dump, so naturally I thought of you." Me: "Thank You I guess. What is it?" My Friend: "Deer parts." Me: "Why not." This happens a lot to me, not necessarily the deer parts part, but the "old and tacky so thinking of you" part. There is a compliment in there, really. My friends know that I can turn trash to treasure or as I call it, my Repurposed Treasure.
So take one deer trophy mount that has seen better days, Add a $2.00 mirror purchased at a recent church sale,
Dust if off and paint everything with high gloss white, yes, even the fur.
Before and
The completed project, a gorgeous mirror for your foyer. Just think, those little hooves could hold umbrellas or hats. I call it "Sculptural Bambi". Painted white, those little hooves look like they were carved from marble. The mirror fit perfectly, as if it was made for the piece.
Personally, I think this mirror would look right at home with these Country Living photo shoots.
Just imagine it hanging by the back door instead of that boring framed print. Hey, I think I may be on to something. What do you think?
Today I am linking up with Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday. (Please click here to see some fabulous make-overs). I am also over at Fingerprints on the Fridge for Feature Yourself Friday for all kinds of fun show and tell goodies (Please click here). I am so proud of myself that I actually remembered (took my time for once) to take the before shots.
Who doesn't love red, shiny, shiny red? Who doesn't love metal? Even better, who doesn't love vintage shiny red metal? When I can find such treasures, it makes me happy, dare I say giddy with delight. C'mon, you know what I am talking about.
One, two, three red-capped thermoses. Yup, that makes it a collection.
Red and Black shiny metal tins ........... be still my heart. Shiny Red and Black PLAID tins, I am in Heaven!
Red metal lid on glass jar.....loving the lid.
It looks like it is a grater of some sort. I have never seen one like this before. Any suggestions? This glass jar is definitely a Vintage Thingie.
Cute size, shiny red toolbox. What treasures would you store inside?
To think that someone was tossing out that beautiful red tin can.
Of course there are delightful vintage kitchen gadgets.
Please join Sue @ It's a Very Cherry World for Wednesday is REDnesday (Click here) and for Vintage Thingie Thursday with Suzanne @ The Coloradolady (Click here). They are such great hostesses with such fun parties, please do stop by for a visit.
It is another Pink Saturday ...... where is the month of October going? Well since I showed you all my red bathtub, yes my red lipstick bathtub, the other day (Click here to see), I thought it only fitting to showcase my cotton candy bathroom with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to share for Pink Saturday. Please click here for the party.
As discussed the other day, when my house was built in 1853, there was no indoor plumbing. This bathroom was created from a study off the family room in the early 1940's. The original tiles, woodwork, and wallpaper were pink and remain pink. This room has never been redecorated.
The wallpaper has faded over the past 70 years but otherwise has held up well. The paper is thicker than today's wallpaper and remains durable and washable.
This is the built in vanity. As a little girl, my daughter spent countless hours sitting before this mirror .... playing dress up for herself and her little dolls.
This cabinet goes back 4 feet and made the perfect place for Elizabeth to crawl inside when playing hide and seek. The drawers below are roomy. The bottom drawer always held her bathtub toys and anything else she would sneak inside. I think even now, there may still be a rubber duckie or two hiding in the guest towels.
The wallpaper job was amazing. Strips of tan wallpaper were painstakingly inlaid above the vanity mirror and also above the bathtub.
The floor tiles are also 1940's originals. Notice the inlay of the white tile with the green tiles. These tiles are a special clay composite and remain in fabulous shape, requiring only a damp mop.
The towel bars are in a deeper contrasting cranberry color.
It would be a crime to change out the tiles of either the floor or the walls. So until I find an appropriate Arts and Crafts style wall paper, I am keeping the bathroom as it is. If it has held up for 70 years, I can live with it for a few more years.
Hope that you all have a pleasant Pink Saturday. Please remember that the pink this month is all about being the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please show your support.