Monday, August 30, 2010

Baked Bean Recipe & Vintage Bean Pots

"Old Hickory" Stoneware Lidded Casserole Dish - Old Hickory Pottery Co.

Growing up, Saturday night supper was always Baked Beans and all the fixin's that went with a proper baked bean supper. For my family that included brown bread, hot dogs, coleslaw and clam casserole, the latter one being a nod to our Maine roots. My childhood, the 60's & 70's, was a time when things were changing faster than anything experienced in previous decades. With the aroma of the oven baked beans and the grilled onions on the stove top filling the kitchen, no matter how violent the evening night news with Walter Cronkite, the baked bean supper was a comforting tradition. No need to ask what was cooking, if it was Saturday, it was beans, and a sense of stability in my little world.

My mother's beans are widely acclaimed by bean aficionados. At the monthly Church Baked Bean Suppers, hers were always the first to get eaten. Folks recognized their favorites by their respective crock pots, casserole dishes or by their bean pot, the only true way to bake beans. Mom's recipe as well as the bean pot they were baked in, were both from Grandma Benner, my father's mother and I don't think Dad ever got tired of eating those beans. For Dad it was beans for supper Saturday night, a bean sandwich for breakfast Sunday morning and leftovers on Wednesday night.

Now what we cook up here in Maine is the traditional Boston Baked Beans, quite fitting as we were part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts right up through 1820. You have to be patient when baking beans, it is the slow oven cooking that provides just the right authentic texture and taste. So today I am sharing a tried and true Baked Bean recipe for Tuesdays at the Table with Cole @ All the Small Stuff. (Click here or see the button on my sidebar.) I am also joining Suzanne at Vintage Thingie Thursdays with my collection of Bean Pots. You can visit Suzanne (here) or see the button on my sidebar. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the parties. Hope that you enjoy.

Boston Baked Beans


16 ounces (2 cups) dry navy beans
2 quarts cold water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup molasses
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
4 ounces salt pork
1 medium onion, chopped (or my mom would cut the onion in half and placed it at the bottom of the pot)

Rinse beans; add to water in saucepan. Bring to boiling and simmer 2 minutes; remove from heat. Cover; let stand 1 hour. (Or add beans to cold water; soak overnight.) Add salt to beans and water; cover and simmer till beans are tender, about 1 hour. Drain, reserving liquid. Measure 2 cups liquid, adding water if needed; mix with molasses, brown sugar, and mustard. Cut salt pork in half; score one half. Grind or thinly slice remainder. In 2-quart bean pot or casserole (I prefer the bean pot), combine beans, onion and ground salt pork. Pour molasses mixture over. Top with scored pork. Cover; bake in 300 oven for 5 to 7 hours. Add more liquid if needed, save your water from the boiling stage to use. Makes 8 servings.

Of course no Baked Bean Supper would be complete without Boston Brown Bread. Yum Yum.

Boston Brown Bread

This is best made the night before.

Sift together 1 cup sifted rye flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon soda, and 1 teaspoon salt; stir in 1 cup cornmeal, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon allspice. Add 2 cups buttermilk, 1 cup raisins, and 3/4 cup dark molasses; beat well. Divide batter among 4 greased and floured 16-ounce fruit or vegetable cans (labels removed). Cover tightly with foil. Place on rack in deep kettle; add boiling water to depth of 1 inch (cans should not be resting in water). Cover; steam 3 hours, adding more boiling water if needed. Bread is done when it has risen almost to fill the can and the center has puffed slightly. (If center remains indented, steam 15 minutes or so more). Cool 10 minutes. Remove bread, best done by removing bottom of can and pushing bread out of can. Wrap; store overnight. Makes 4.

Bean Pots, not just used for cooking, I actually decorate with the ones that I have collected here and there. Here are a few of my pieces.

The cream colored bean Pot is McCoy. I was pleased to find it with the lid. Unfortunately, lids are always a casualty of being dropped one time too many or being chipped or just plain misplaced.

I love finding bean pots or any crock for that matter with words or other markings.

The bean pot in the center is marked E. Swasey Company. In 1890, Ebon Swasey established a crockery and glassware company in Portland, Maine. It remained in business until the Great Depression. During its operation, it turned out thousands of crocks and bean pots, each distinctly marked E. Swasey Co.

These are my two favorite pieces. The E. Swasey bean pot in the front is only 3 inches high and is complete with lid. This came from my father and is truly priceless. The B&M bean pot is dear to me because it also represents Portland, Maine. Burnham & Morrill Co. was founded by George Burnham and Charles S. Morrill. Its first products included canned meats, specifically mutton, pork, clams and lobster, along with canned vegetables. It wasn't until the 1920's that B&M began experimenting with Brick Oven Baked Beans. Today, B & M still bakes it beans the traditional way, a seven hour process, in open pots, in a brick oven.

I hope that you enjoy your baked beans and like my vintage bean pot collection. Please be sure to stop by to see Cole and all the other tasty recipes that folks there are showing.

Got it at Goodwill

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tea for Two

Today is Tea for Two day. Nope, I am not serving tea in a beautiful tablescape like my friends Diann at The Thrifty Groove, Linda at A La Carte, or Mimi at In the Middle of Nowhere seem to effortlessly put together. These ladies always display such elegant and charming vignettes at their blogs, with their beautiful china and linens, as well as take the time to note the manufacturer and history of each piece. For me, I am just showing my collection of teapots, just three of my more interesting pieces, and all recent finds in time for Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays and Suzanne at Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursdays. Please click on these links or on their respective buttons on my sidebar. Thanks.

All three of these pieces share being made in Japan and have the same wire handle. (See first photo of all three pieces).

This first teapot reminds me of Ben Franklin with the hat and specs; however, I don't think old Ben would have been wearing a green polka dot bow tie. Either way, it is a charming face. I found this a couple of weeks ago at Salvation Army for $3.99.

This little rooster pot was found at Goodwill for $.99 cents, just last night. Honestly, they were selling things for $4.99 and $5.99 that I would not even have paid $1.00 for, and yet this little beauty was only $.99 cents. Oh well. I won't complain about that.

The seashell is not a teapot. It is marked in gold handwriting on the top as a creamer. It was a lawnsale find for $.50 and it was different and I like different. But, I am saving the best for last. This past Saturday, I was at a church sale, my favorite kind, and two seconds in, found this wonderful cookie jar for $1.00.

How fitting for a Church Sale. Here it is in all its cuteness. It is a Friar Cookie Jar produced by Twin Winton Ceramics (1936-1975), a California Pottery Company originally started by twin brothers. This piece is from 1960, the year I was born so of course it had to be mine.

I am curling up with a plate of cookies and a cup of tea and plan to spend the next hour visiting with friends at Linda's (and Suzanne's on Thursday) party for a much needed tea-time break. Thanks for stopping by today. Would you like cream or sugar for your tea?

Got it at Goodwill

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just a Little Something I Made and my Birthday Gift arrived today.

Since I received so many lovely comments on my pincushion, I thought I would share another recently completed project. I apologize for not having a before shot, you know how it is, you just can't wait to begin.

So please picture this mirror, painted in black with flowers stenciled all over. A goodwill purchase for $1.99. After removing the mirror and doing
some sanding to remove the ridges of the stenciled paint, the whole frame got painted this lovely ooops($2.00 Lowes) Aqua color. Then the fun began. After sorting the bags of shells that I bought this summer at lawnsales, all for under $2.00, I began to glue on my design. I didn't have enough of the flat shells to cover the frame in its entirety and I still wanted the color to show through ....... so here it is all completed. I like it. Basically, I have a new mirror for under $6.00 and still have tons of shells and paint left over for a new project.

Since this project was a little different from what I usually post, I thought I would share it over at A
Little Knick Knack for Meg's first ever link party Everything but the Kitchen Sink. So just click here to see what other fun things are showing up today.

And speaking of fun ....... My birthday gift to myself arrived today, hot of the presses, my copy of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30's, 40's, 50's & Beyond. Second Edition. This fabulous book was compiled by C. Dianne Zweig.

C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro café.To read more articles by C. Dianne Zweig click on this link: C. Dianne Zweig’s Blog Kitsch ‘n Stuff Email me at dianne@cdiannezweig.comVisit my website, CDianneZweig.comDianne is a member of:The American Society of Journalists and Authors The Authors Guild, Inc.

For all of us that love our Kitschy Finds, this is the book for us. Honestly, I was drooling at some of
the collections being showcased, the canisters and the aprons, oh my.

Not only did I see things I wanted, I saw things I already had, like this adorable little pig. It does not have any markings but looked familiar to me in its style as perhaps Shawnee. In the book it is stated as maybe Shawnee or Royal Copley. Who doesn't love a pig?

To see more of Dianne's showcase of treasures, please be sure to visit her blog, The Kitschy Collector Home of C. Dianne Zweig.

Hope that you all have a lovely weekend. I will be up and out early Saturday morning for lawnsales before opening up the shop at 10:00. I wonder what treasures await?

Got it at Goodwill

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Something a Little Red

Wednesday is Rednesday. Today I am joining Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for this colorful little party. (Please click on the above link or the party button on my sidebar to visit Sue.) I do love to decorate with red and as you have seen (click here), I use it alot in my kitchen. For the party, I wanted to show you a few fun items as well as show off something I made. I hope you like them.

I love my wooden handled kitchen utensils in red (and green). I just picked up this apple corer and chopper to add to my collection. (For more of my collection, please click here.)

I hope that someone can help me with the purpose of these little metal trays. I have a few stacks of them in different colors and designs. They are too small to be used for a plate or platter. I have been told that banks used to hand them out as premiums to hold your loose change on a dresser or nightstand. Any help in answering this mystery would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I love this framed piece of sheet music. "She Was Happy Till She Met You". I would love to know how the lyrics go. I think the photo on the cover says it all!

My shop's sign reads "Vintage Finds and Repurposed Treasures". Obviously all the fun vintage pieces I find and clean up address the Vintage Finds. It is my Repurposed Treasures that I have to explain. Here is an example: My Teapot Pincushion. I found this lovely little children's toy teapot with missing lid, destined to be tossed. The graphics were so sweet that I knew I had to save it.

I first glued it to a red polka dot plate (sorry the flash makes it look like there is a big white spot on the plate). Then I covered a pincushion with complimentary fabric and added vintage pom pom trim and vintage button. Next that was glued onto the top of the Teapot.

The plate at the base holds extra pins and needles. I love how this came out, if I say so myself and am now looking for other lost pieces of dishware to convert to pincushions. (Think Christmas Gifts)

As always, thank you for letting me share my treasures. Please be sure to stop on over and say Hi to Sue at It's a Very Cherry World to to see all the other fun pops of red color. Have a great day.

Got it at Goodwill

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Being Thrifty

Not all thrifty things I buy are vintage. Some are just good deals real cheap! As some of you may know, I have a catering business "A Matter of Taste". I am always on the look out for good bargains on dishes, utensils, trays, napkins and anything else I can use for that business. My waitstaff is dressed in black pants/skirts and white shirts. The rest of their uniform consists of a gray apron that I have sewn.

With repeated washings, these aprons get faded fast. Still, I prefer them over the white aprons that can be bleached but also look dirtier more quickly while being worn. So I was very excited when I found black cotton aprons, with a pocket, for only $1.99 at Mardens, a retail chain store here in Maine. I could not make them myself for less than that. I bought a dozen.

Although my staff is usually comprised of only women, I occasionally will have a guy helping to serve wearing a black tie with the rest of their uniform. The other day, I was thrilled to find this tie at Goodwill.

Only a $1.99 and with little forks and knives as the design. Too cute to pass up. I can't wait for my next function to put it to use.

Today I am participating in Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays with Linda @ Coastal Charm. Please be sure to check out all the other nifty thrifty goodies at this fun party. (Please click on the above link or see the button on my sidebar. Thanks.)

Got it at Goodwill

Friday, August 13, 2010

We Have a Winner

We have a Maine Giveaway Winner! Linda @ Coastal Charm will be getting some Maine Lobster, as in fun goodies and not the edible kind. Sorry Linda. Now I know you are thinking with a name like Coastal Charm, she must already have Maine lobster. Nope, she is one of those Southern Coast Gals, down in Alabama. Oh sure they have seafood, but not like our Maine lobsters. With these Maine goodies, Linda may, in no time, be saying things like "Finest Kind" and "Wicked Good" along with a southern "Y'all". Linda is the hostess of a weekly party Nifty Thrifty Tuesday where folks show off their Thrifty finds, new and vintage. It is a lot of fun to see what everyone posts. Please be sure to check out Linda's party next Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone that participated. Your comments were lovely and heartfelt. Thank you for helping me celebrate. As always, I truly value your support and kindness. I wish I could have sent a little bit of Maine to each and every one of you. So if you are ever up in my neck of the woods, just outside the City of Portland, please be sure to look me up.

I learn and receive so much from all the places I visit, here in
blogland. It is so much more than oohing and aahing and downright drooling over amazing vintage finds, being thrilled with another's thrifty finds or constantly being amazed at the ingenuity and creativity that is out there in repurposed treasures. Just as important as the vintage goodies, are the priceless words of wisdom that are shared.

Danielle @ My Blessed Serendipity Life, provided this charming inspiration. It is from a longer poem, author unknown, but it is this particular phrase that touched me: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain." I think it will have to appear as a quote on my sidebar along with "Even the smallest party deserves a great cake". No, I am not talking about going out and dancing in the rain while eating a piece of cake, although that doesn't sound like a bad idea. What I am saying is this, embrace what comes your way, don't let it frighten you, make it yours, and celebrate every single and simple moment as if it is a momentous occasion.

My giveaway was a way to share my joy with you about how well my new shop is doing and to have you help me blow out the candles on my cake (hey I needed some help for 50 candles!). But when you think of me, know that I will be the one dancing in the rain while eating my cake, wearing my red dress, high heels and a big ole grin. As always, thank you for joining me on my journey and I'll save a piece of cake for you.

I got it at Goodwill

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thrifty Finds Maine Souvenirs

As you may know, I am doing a Maine Themed Giveaway to celebrate the opening of my shop as well as my birthday, yup, the big one, FIFTY! My Giveaway is a way to bring a little taste of Maine to one lucky fellow blogger. I have had a lot of out-of-staters visiting the shop. They have been enjoying my vintage Maine souvenir pieces. Honestly, if you are going to buy a souvenir, make it be vintage.

So today, I thought I would share some of my favorite souvenir pieces with you, just in time for Today's Thrifty Treasures with Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality, Linda @ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
, Selena @ Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday and Vintage Thingie Thursdays with Suzanne @ Colorado Lady. (Please click on these links or their buttons on my sidebar to join the parties.) Each piece has been bought at a lawnsale, church sale or Goodwill. Nothing has been over $1.99 and most were $.50. Let's see what I am bringing to these parties. So welcome to the Pine Tree State, enjoy the fresh salt air, the lobsters, the blueberries, the baked bean suppers, and some Maine genuine hospitality.

This is a favorite piece, a copper lobster paperweight approx. 4 inches. In the photo it looks more like a red cooked lobster than copper. It simply states Maine, no printed words needed.

This little plaque is from way-up-north in Jackman, Maine. This is where we always stop to get a bite to eat before resuming any trip to Quebec City, Canada. I live way-down-south Maine. It is a "Wicked" long road trip, to use the Maine vernacular or even better, "It is up the road apiece".

This is a wooden postcard. On the back it is stamped as any postcard would appear. The post office would just love this postcard, definitely a hand-cancel only piece.

This wooden mail sorter is stamped on the bottom, "Made by an Inmate, Maine State Prison." The Prison that produced this is long gone, replaced by a super max prison, at a new location.

A copper souvenir spoon. I couldn't get a close-up of the design, but it comes from Acadia National Park, where our President and his family just visited. It is a beautiful place.

A little coaster showing the State of Maine. Do you see Portland down at the end tip of the State, I am 8 miles from Portland. By the way, this coaster is going in the Giveaway. Actually, also down at the end of the state, along the coast, is the home of President George H. Bush, at Walker's Point.

Love, love, love this piece. It is a note holder. The original pencil is still inside. You would hang this on your door and ....... Well here is the message. "If at home you do not find us, Leave a note that will remind us." Portland, Maine. Absolutely charming.

Another Portland, Maine piece, this cute little doggie.

Of course there are always the souvenir plates. This one is from Washington County, what is referred to as Down East, home of the most easterly point of the United States. The aqua and gold edging is beautiful. It shows lobsters, the West Quoddy Headlight (lighthouse), and Franklin D. Roosevelt's home at Campobello Island, which is actually in New Brunswick, Canada.

More plates showing the State Capitol, Lobsters, Lighthouses, Pine Cones and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's (the poet) birthplace.

I hope that you enjoyed your trip to Maine. Whether you prefer your lobster hot with butter, or cold with mayo in a lobster roll, it is all "wicked" good and eats of the "finest kind". Thank you for letting me share my Maine Souvenirs with you. Please be sure to check out all the other fun vintage, thrifty treasures with Rhoda, Suzanne, and Linda.

Also Please be sure to enter my Maine Celebration Giveaway. For all the details, please click here. I am going to extend the giveaway until Thursday night to give the folks at Vintage Thingie
Thursdays a chance to enter.

Got it at Goodwill

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Silver Sunday and Giveaways

Good Silver Sunday Morning to you all. I haven't shown anything silverish in awhile, and thought today I would share my Hammered Aluminum pieces with hostess Beth at Gypsy Fish for the August Second Sunday Silver Party.

Quick Facts About Collectible Aluminum

- Most hammered aluminum pieces made their way into homes from the 1930s through the 1950s as wedding gifts. Colorful anodized aluminum wares were popular with homemakers through the ‘50s and early ‘60s.

- Popular names to look for on collectible hammered aluminum pieces are Arthur Armour, Continental Silver Company, Everlast, Buenilum, Rodney Kent and Pamer-Smith.

These are a few of the pieces of hammered aluminium currently on display in my shop, 2nd fl Thriftiques. The piece on the far right with the pedestal base is a lazy susan. A different bowl is resting on top. I love the trays, they are the right size for taking drinks and snacks to the patio. I feel so June Cleaver-ish using them.

Of course drinks can't be served without an ice bucket. The one pictured here is just the right size for a small party.

The most valuable pieces of hammered aluminum are signed by the maker and have elaborate patterns stamped unto the metal. Unusual shapes and vessels are also of interest to collectors.

These two pieces are candlestick holders. One obviously so but the larger of the two, I'm not sure if that was its original purpose. Along with putting in a small candle, I have candy sitting on the flat portions.

Was It Really Hand Hammered?

Most of the really expensive pieces in this field were indeed hand hammered, but the majority of the items sitting in antique malls now were machine made with a dimpled surface to give them a hand finished look.

Items available in hammered aluminum range from ice buckets to coaster sets and bookends to ashtrays.

At one point there were several hundred companies producing this type of gift ware. Most of them didn’t make it through the World War II era when all types of metal were scarce, according to Garage Sale & Flea Market Annual (Collector Books).

Small canister with lid.

Chip and dip platter.

Please be sure to visit Beth and the other participants for today's Silver Party and a giveaway. Beth is having a Silver Sunday Giveaway and promises something shiny for the lucky winner.

Speaking of Giveaway's .... there is still time to enter mine. Drawing will be held Tuesday evening. This is your chance to have a bit of Maine come to you, if you can't visit Maine. Please see Maine Giveaway - Help Me Celebrate for all the details.

Got it at Goodwill

Monday, August 2, 2010

Vintage, Thrifty & Birthday Party Time & Giveaway

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all the kind comments I have been receiving about my new shop, 2nd fl Thriftiques. So many of you have written that if you were up in Maine, you would be stopping by for a visit. That gave me the idea, that since you all couldn't come to Maine, that I could bring Maine to you with a Maine Celebration Giveaway.

So before I tell you about the giveaway, just to let you know that I am joining in with Linda @ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday, Suzanne @ Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie
Thursday and one other party that I haven't visited in awhile, Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World for Wednesday is Rednesday. (Please click on these links to visit or on their buttons in my sidebar.) Boy can these ladies party. Please be sure to see what treasures and great finds they have in store for you.

NOW FOR THE GIVEAWAY: Nothing says Maine more than lobster and the lucky winner will receive a few of these red crustaceans, sorry not the edible ones. First for the thrifty finds, I will be giving away a lobster dish towel and a canvas wine tote with embroidered lobster. I found both, brand new, at Goodwill, each for $.99. I actually bought 4 of the wine totes and 6 of the towels. The Maine cookbook, brand new, was purchased at a bookstore going-out-of-business sale at 90% off the original price. The nautical coasters represent the vintage side of things, they are marked made in Yarmouth, Maine 1981.

Every window needs a glass lobster sun catcher. This was a lawnsale beauty for $1.00. There will be a few more Maine items going into the give away, but I want the rest to be a surprise. You all know how a give away works, please leave a comment and say howdy for one chance to enter, become a follower or let me know you are already a follower for a second chance.
Giveaway ends August 10th.

I love this lobster plate that was used in my giveaway button. It is huge and would easily hold 3 lobsters. You won't find it marked McCoy, Haeger, or even Hull, but rather it is a "Dee" original, whomever Dee is. The date of this Maine Masterpiece is 1969.

Now in 1969, I was 9 years old, Yes, you do the math, that means I am 50. Actually, I am officially 50 today. I was going to write a more poetic piece of prose, an actual volume of my life's history than just the Cliff's Notes version, a retrospective of my life and times, looking back over the years, and concluding with asking myself the million dollar question, what does the future hold and am I ready? Then I thought .......... Nah! I am ready for the future, whatever awaits me. I am eager to begin a new adventure. After all, isn't 50 the new 40? The past is just that, it can't be changed and my regrets are few. There is very little I would do over if given the chance. So as the french say C'est La Vie.

I will say that from day one, I was ready to start living. In fact, I was due in October and decided that I couldn't wait the extra 3 months, tired of just sitting around. There were things to do, places to go and people to see. So under 3 pounds I came into this world full of energy and confidence. The doctors were skeptical, it was after all 1960 and hospitals were not equipped with state of the art neo-natal equipment as they are today. Needless to say, I proved them wrong.

It's my birthday! So let the party begin. Pull up a Red chair from my fabulous vintage table. (Bought the table and chairs at an Auction 10 years ago for $50.)

Put on your Red party Hat, $1.99 Goodwill find (Just yesterday).

What looks like a gray stripe is actually a see-through band. It is a fun piece of French Fashion befitting a birthday girl. I gotta look ooh-la-la and tres chic for Fifty.

Then pour yourself a drink, vintage Coke, how refreshing. Yes, that would be me, white gloves, daintily holding my drink, with extended pinkie. Remember, I am going for tres chic, elegance, and all that stuff for turning 50.

I will leave you with this one last piece of vintage-red-thriftiness. Here I am pictured below, the dress is red and thrifty, bought at JC Penny at the end of the season for $12.00 and the vintage is me at 50. Oh no, I am what we say in the business as MID-CENTURY!!! I guess it means I just got more valuable.

So please be sure to stop over and visit with Sue, Suzanne and Linda for all their great parties and then visit Maine with my Maine Celebration Giveaway. I look forward to seeing you. If any of you are ever up in Maine, lobster dinner is on me (along with the cornbread, steamed clams and blueberry pie). Have a great day.

I am off to go Goodwill shopping. With your Goodwill discount card you get 25% off your purchases on your birthday. I will have gone to 5 Goodwill stores by lunchtime when I am due back in the office. What treasures await. Don't worry, I will show you.

Got it at Goodwill