I love red. I love Red Metal. I love RED VINTAGE AND OH-SO FABULOUS METAL!!!! You have seen it here before, there is just something so appealing about old red canisters and trays. (For more of my collection of tins, please click here.) The only thing more exciting to find is red design glassware. Yup, doesn't matter if I am at Goodwill or a lawnsale, any discovery of these treasures will get me dancing my "Happy Girl - U Go Girl" dance. (Goodwill employees are used to it but the looks I get from homeowners, Oh My.) So please allow me to share a few recent finds.
The trays shown above are recent finds; however, I previously sold the same one at my shop. When I found this one, the matching little trays did not accompany it. One by one I have been finding these little "tip" trays to complete a set of 8. I find that it is usually the way, that once an item is found, you just keep seeing the same thing everywhere. No wonder collections can happen so quickly.
You might recognize the red fork and spoon as being from my own Kitchen. They are now up in my shop. The mix and match glasses work perfectly together.
They all share a red and white theme. In my home we prefer glass to plastic. Makes for a stylish table and is good for the environment.
I love to find tins of by-gone products....... even better when the original price is showing.
Such a deal. For $.21 cents you can have Flash. Couldn't we all use a little Flash.
More tins to share. Okay one is more predominately pink, but I couldn't resist showing it to you. "Glass Wax.... now with Vanishing Action" It cleans a window a minute. Simply pour a small amount on a damp "cellulose" sponge and apply a thin coat to glass with with sponge. As Glass Wax dries, wipe off with soft cloth. Dirt Vanishes. No Skips. No Misses. You see where you're cleaning ..... know where you've cleaned. I don't know. Sounds more labor intensive than using vinegar and newspapers to wash the windows. How did our Moms do this, wearing skirts and heels, no less.
I am sharing my red treasures for Wednesday is Rednesday with Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World. Please stop over and say Hi and get your red-fix...... it will cheer you up.
Love all of your red treasures. My mother has and still uses one of the glasses in your photo (the one with the swirly white design). My dad used this glass and no one else was allowed to use it. My grandparents had the ones with the red roses or tulips. Happy Rednesday!
LOVE your red tins!! They are so cute. My mother in law brought over some red tins with gold polka dots from Russia when they came here almost 20 years ago. They have Russian words in English letters on them. I love them but have no room in my tiny kitchen so right now they live in the garage and I feel that it's such a shame!! And I love your glass glasses. I wish we could use them here at home, I prefer it..they do add a little something extra to your table, but the youngest is still rough and my husband is as careful as a five yr old! haha! anyway, hope you're doing well! -april
Hi Sherrie! It must be so much fun to be able to put things in your shop when you get tired of them, and maybe "borrow" a few things to bring home for awhile! Love all of your reds, especially the Glass Wax, which looks really familiar to me. Yes, we've got it so easy compared to our Moms, but sometimes I think the older products worked better than today's!
What a delightful and beautiful blog you have! I am so enjoying my visit. Your vintage things are adorable and make me realize our home is vintage. Well, the home is vintage, built in 1900-1902 but the things are also vintage but in use daily. Butter churns...okay, those are used monthly...but old lamps, glasses, dishes, sewing machines, etc. are in use daily. I guess that makes me vintage as well, eh? Again, your blog is lovely!
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Love all of your red treasures. My mother has and still uses one of the glasses in your photo (the one with the swirly white design). My dad used this glass and no one else was allowed to use it. My grandparents had the ones with the red roses or tulips. Happy Rednesday!
WOW, Glass Wax, I had almost forgotten about that stuff, Sherrie!
You have a nice collection of vintage glasses.
What treasures!
A man who was out of his head
Was claiming he always saw red.
He saw it all day,
At work and at play,
And saw it at night while in bed.
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Teleférico rojo
Wonderful red treasures! Love the fork and spoon!
Okay, and why are you not over at Tuesday's Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva, girl? I'd so love to see you there! Red is SO in these days! :D
LOVE your red tins!! They are so cute. My mother in law brought over some red tins with gold polka dots from Russia when they came here almost 20 years ago. They have Russian words in English letters on them. I love them but have no room in my tiny kitchen so right now they live in the garage and I feel that it's such a shame!!
And I love your glass glasses. I wish we could use them here at home, I prefer it..they do add a little something extra to your table, but the youngest is still rough and my husband is as careful as a five yr old! haha!
anyway, hope you're doing well!
just love the graphics on the old tins!
You have a lot of fabulous reds here!
LOVE-love-love the red trays...Mom had a set when I was a kid.
I remember using Glass Wax to stencil holiday decorations on windows. It was easier to remove than spray snow (and less messy to apply).
Hi Sherrie! It must be so much fun to be able to put things in your shop when you get tired of them, and maybe "borrow" a few things to bring home for awhile! Love all of your reds, especially the Glass Wax, which looks really familiar to me. Yes, we've got it so easy compared to our Moms, but sometimes I think the older products worked better than today's!
What a delightful and beautiful blog you have! I am so enjoying my visit.
Your vintage things are adorable and make me realize our home is vintage. Well, the home is vintage, built in 1900-1902 but the things are also vintage but in use daily. Butter churns...okay, those are used monthly...but old lamps, glasses, dishes, sewing machines, etc. are in use daily. I guess that makes me vintage as well, eh?
Again, your blog is lovely!
Use tested methods and reviews to create more leads.Play Bazaar People are more likely to purchase your products if you have supporting data on the benefits of your goods or services. Try using relevant studies that can prove what your product can do, such as testimonials from people that like Play Bazaar your product.
Keep track of your affiliate program results. Successful affiliate sales come from watching what works and what doesn't. Most affiliate programs include some type of tracking function that helps you see which links are working well and which ones need to be tweaked. Vary page positions, see what products sell where, which wording helps links perform better, and use it to plan your future affiliate program strategies. Satta King Play Bazaar
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can make money online in your spare time. This type of marketing means that you will sell other people's stuff and get paid a commission when you do. There are all types of items that you can sell depending Satta King Play Bazaar on your style.
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