For the past few weeks, we have had snow, sleet and cold temperatures, more than making up for the lack of snow we had in December. Being house bound as it were, has given me time to finally get my other blog "2nd fl Thriftiques" in order. You have to remember that anything I do on the computer has been a slow and self taught process. Frankly as I have said before, I was born in the wrong century. I would have been best friends with Susan B. Anthony (all for getting out the right to vote for women) in a time period that didn't have so many electronic gadgets.
Anyway, I opened up a facebook page for the shop, if you like, please see my facebook badge on my sidebar. So for those folks interested in having a sneak peak at what is coming in to the shop, please add your "like" to my page. If facebook isn't your thing, you can still visit the shop through the blog button, also located on my sidebar or simply click here. Thank you.
Today, I am showcasing new furniture in the shop like the "nana's" kitchen stool that is shown above. I promise that I will now be updating both the blog and facebook page every few days. Thank you to all you have visited the shop.
Stay safe and warm, another storm is coming in for Friday.
Got it at Goodwill
Love those step stools. Glad you are getting the store blog up and going. hugs, Linda
Hi Sherry!
I'm so glad that you are finding the time to keep up your shop on Facebook. I haven't managed to do that just yet.
I appreciate your comment on my post. I know that you are doing all these things and more to make your shop a real success. It's hard work for sure, but it's what we do and love.
That step chair is wonderful! We have been getting a lot of snow as well and now it is just turned bittr cold so, I spent the time revamping my blog. I have more to do so, if te weather stays his cold out, i hav the time to play on here! LOL
Just blogging around this evening and found your blog. You have done a wonderful job with your page. It seems like you will have some interesting things in your shop. I hope it is a huge success for you. Thank you for letting me visit.
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