I am faced with that question every day, no different from the housewife of the 40's, what do we prepare for our family to show them how much we love them? Well Fried Devilled Eggs and Upside Down Ham Loaf certainly comes to my mind.
I found this recipe in a 1945 cookbook published by Crisco. I paid $.25 for the cookbook which is the same price that it first sold for in 1945. As I was leafing through the recipes I came across this one. I love a good devilled egg, but fried? It sounded so sinful, that I had to try it. It is pretty darn tasty. Hard to describe, the texture, the taste, just plain yummy.
The Recipe:
We all know how to make a Devilled Egg. I usually mix a little Dijon Mustard, paprika, salt and pepper with the mayo. This recipe calls for vinegar and salad dressing with salt and pepper, enough to form a thick paste. You then put the mixture back into the egg half, leveling off the mixture for a flat surface. Next dip the egg into finely ground bread crumbs, then in beaten egg, and then back in the crumbs. Then fry. Of course the recipe calls for Crisco but I use oil. I love the suggestion "For an attractive luncheon plate serve with hot asparagus and fried tomato slices." As if the fried Devilled Eggs weren't enough.
Such a recipe needs to be served on the proper china. I have a fondness for cream, tan and aqua/turquoise dishes. The cup and saucer is one of my favorite pieces. There are some dishes that even for their age, you just keep finding them at every lawnsale or church sale. I will usually collect enough of the pattern to serve 12, and then sell the set, and start collecting all over again. But this one design that I simply call "Sputnik" has taken years to find the few pieces that I do own. It has no markings but I suspect because of the Atomic-theme design that it is from the 50's. The Pyrex casserole dish (Butterprint Amish) was from this weekend's lawnsales ($.25 cents) and the dish/planter is a Bauer piece from a lawnsale last summer, under $2.00.
Here is another cream/aqua piece that I have shown before, $1.99 Goodwill.
This next recipe is also from the Crisco cookbook, Upside Down Ham Loaf. I am not sure why it is named Loaf, it is cooked in a skillet on the stovetop. I haven't tried this particular recipe. Once again it is suggested to be served with Asparagus. Was Asparagus the "In" veggie of the 50's, because I know, that nothing says party like Asparagus.
Here is one complete place setting that I have managed to collect, cup and saucer, dinner plate, fruit bowl, and smaller plate. I have 7 dinner plates, 2 luncheon size plates and 3 fruit bowls, along with just the one cup and saucer. That has taken me 5 years to find. I have found some at lawnsales and the rest at Goodwill. It is interesting to note that the Goodwill pieces were not all at once, but rather here and there, mostly for $.99 cents. The cup and saucer were the most recent find at the new Goodwill store for a whopping $3.99. More than what I usually spend, but just had to have them. I It is the thrill of the hunt.
I always enjoy seeing notes written in the margins of a recipe. It usually means that the recipe was well received. For this Yellow Cake Crisco recipe, the penciled in notes indicate it is being more than doubled in size. 2 cups cake flour is being changed to 5 cups. Maybe for use as a Wedding Cake?
I hope that you enjoyed your little snack with me today. (We won't talk about the cholesterol.) I am joining up with all these fine ladies for a few vintage/thrifty finds parties and some good cooking. I hope that I made enough asparagus for all the guests. Enjoy.
Oh Sherrie, I loved this post! I am in love with that table and the atomic dishware on it. And I like how you said that we try to figure out what to make for dinner to show how much we love our family. That's what it's all about, isn't it?! Have a great day! Carol p.s. You've definitely inspired me to get some atomic dishware for myself! There's no room in the cupboards, but I'll make room!
Wow, that looks like a table we had when I was "younger"...love the dishes. I will keep my eye out for any pieces...never know where or what you will find at the thrift stores!
Hi Sherri....that is OK if you laughed AT me...people do all the time anyhow!!~ I love this post....so retro and fun. I actually have a decorating book from the 50's and it is so fun to look through it. Hope you join me sometime on my Weekend thrift party...starts every Friday:)
Your table is lovely!! I love those dishes!!! I have to say, I don't know about those fried deviled eggs....almost sounds like a new food item for the state fair!! Have a great VTT!
As soon as I saw the first dishes photo, I gasped. I gasped and just scrolled down and drooled. I. am. in. love. with. those. dishes! Wow! They are gorgeous!
But you can keep the fried devilled eggs and hamloaf. Ewww, lol!
Wow! Did you ever take me back in time. My grandparents had a chrome dining table with the gray top and that china looks a lot like my grandmother's, but it's not quite the same. I always called it atomic china. Can't say my grandma ever served me fried deviled eggs though.
I looove your "Sputnik" dishes, loooove! I don't know about those deviled eggs. I know what my stomach would say though :). I think I'll stick to my deep fried Oreos.
thank you for stopping by my blog, you have found some really nice things yourself! I can almost guess where you may be, and by reading your one blog about the Portland Goodwill, I can tell your a Goodwill/ Salvation Army enthusiast like myself! I actually did use my card at MANY Goodwills on my birthday, LOL, I would have liked to use it more, but we got a late start to the day. I got to the NH ones too, MASS even CT and RI! I'm sure we'll run into each other. I can't wait to stop into your shop sometime!! Take Care!
I absolutely loved this post!! You see, in the house I grew up in, we had a turquoise Kitchen!!! Yep, the appliances and the counter tops were that lovely shade!!! Even the stove top!! And it stayed that way until my Mom sold the house after my Dad died 23 years ago!!
I am in love with your dishes. Head over heals in love <3. Fried deviled eggs? not so much :)
Okay those plates and the metal table? They are taking me back to the day....
Oh Sherrie, I loved this post! I am in love with that table and the atomic dishware on it. And I like how you said that we try to figure out what to make for dinner to show how much we love our family. That's what it's all about, isn't it?!
Have a great day!
p.s. You've definitely inspired me to get some atomic dishware for myself! There's no room in the cupboards, but I'll make room!
Fun, fun!! Love the colors...the recipes, not so much!
I love Pyrex and the blue is one of my faves. I also love the snowflake pattern......Linda
Wow, that looks like a table we had when I was "younger"...love the dishes. I will keep my eye out for any pieces...never know where or what you will find at the thrift stores!
I loved this post! Those dishes are amazing and your recipes from your 25 cent book are priceless! Thanks for sharing them.
Best wishes,
Reading your post today and looking at your photos made me feel like I was back in my Mom's kitchen in the 60's.
Not sure about the fried deviled egg. I think I'll pass.
Hi Sherri....that is OK if you laughed AT me...people do all the time anyhow!!~ I love this post....so retro and fun. I actually have a decorating book from the 50's and it is so fun to look through it. Hope you join me sometime on my Weekend thrift party...starts every Friday:)
I love those teal plate and cups! I find it very hard to resist teal things! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
I love those dishes. What treasures. Mmm, I might have to try those fried deviled eggs.
Your table is lovely!! I love those dishes!!! I have to say, I don't know about those fried deviled eggs....almost sounds like a new food item for the state fair!! Have a great VTT!
I loved your post today and also deviled eggs. Yours would be so good made the old fashion way.
Terrific Atomic Dishes! I'm not sure about the deviled eggs and I know I don't like asparagus.....I guess I like retro stuff more than retro food!
Wish I had found the Pyrex butterprint dish for 25¢. I have a complete set of that, but could use an extra small one.
As soon as I saw the first dishes photo, I gasped. I gasped and just scrolled down and drooled. I. am. in. love. with. those. dishes! Wow! They are gorgeous!
But you can keep the fried devilled eggs and hamloaf. Ewww, lol!
What cool dishes, and vintage recipes! I remember these dishes. Ah, the good old 50-60s!
Wow! Did you ever take me back in time. My grandparents had a chrome dining table with the gray top and that china looks a lot like my grandmother's, but it's not quite the same. I always called it atomic china. Can't say my grandma ever served me fried deviled eggs though.
I love those plates!
I looove your "Sputnik" dishes, loooove! I don't know about those deviled eggs. I know what my stomach would say though :). I think I'll stick to my deep fried Oreos.
thank you for stopping by my blog, you have found some really nice things yourself!
I can almost guess where you may be, and by reading your one blog about the Portland Goodwill, I can tell your a Goodwill/ Salvation Army enthusiast like myself! I actually did use my card at MANY Goodwills on my birthday, LOL, I would have liked to use it more, but we got a late start to the day. I got to the NH ones too, MASS even CT and RI!
I'm sure we'll run into each other.
I can't wait to stop into your shop sometime!!
Take Care!
I absolutely loved this post!! You see, in the house I grew up in, we had a turquoise Kitchen!!! Yep, the appliances and the counter tops were that lovely shade!!! Even the stove top!! And it stayed that way until my Mom sold the house after my Dad died 23 years ago!!
Thanks for the great memories!!
Your dishes are gorgeous and totally say 1950s!
Thanks so much for the recipes...I've been looking for a lost yellow cake recipe and I think this may do the trick.
I love your plates. the cookbooks of yesterday are fantastic. I have my mom's that are over 40 years old. have a good day.
Oh my I love all these finds and you have a great, cute, adorable blog!
Can you come shop with me and show me the ropes?
I am now following you and would like to extend the invitation to you to come follow me as well.
hope to see your smiling face up there!
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