Saturday is the Bridal Shower that I have been working on .... it has been a little hectic around here.. I have to apologize for not getting a chance to visit everyone this week for all the fun Vintage and Thrift parties that were being held but promise to catch up on my blogging Saturday Night. In the meantime, I thought you might like to see the party favor I created for the shower. It is a fun keepsake of the day and also a "save the date" reminder as the wedding will not be held until September. As we were going with a fashion theme, I thought it appropriate to have little pocketbooks. So here is my first ever tutorial .... this is harder than it looks, the tutorial that is and not the making of the purses. Added to the degree of difficulty, low battery power meaning only a few photos were able to be taken.
These little purses were made from lightweight cardstock and a few sheets of flocked black and white scrapbook paper. Other supplies included thin ribbon, stick on sequins, velcro dots and a few sheets of vellum paper.
Here is the pattern. The dotted lines indicate where the paper is folded. The first fold line makes the purse flap, the next dotted lines form the flat base of the pocketbook so that it can stand on its own. The little pattern piece is for a contrasting paper of your choice which is adhered on the larger piece and is the purse flap.
Next I ran off using my mailing label format on my computer, the names of the bride and groom, the date of the wedding, and a reminder to save the date. These were then cut out to be glued on the inside of the purse. I could have just printed them out on the self sticking white mailing labels but I liked the sheen of the vellum.
In the next 2 photos you will see that the black and white paper has been glued in place. I then used my pinking shears to cut around the whole piece before folding, for a nice decorative edge. A sequin is affixed to the bottom part of the purse flap to mimic the clasp. I used the self sticking round velcro dots to close the flap. Cutting each circle into 4 quarters, I could do 4 favors with just one round. In this photo the dark black dot that you see is the velcro. The corresponding piece of velcro is under the purse flap, on the inside. With a small hole punch, I made 2 holes to run the ribbon through for the handle.
50 little purses later, I am ready for the Bridal Shower. I hope that my instructions were somewhat clear. It really is an easy project and when all grouped together, they look really sweet.
I am off to get ready for the Shower. Don't worry I promise to post photos of the table, the food and the decorations.
I was surprised last week to have received so many comments from folks; themselves being surprised, at just what you can find at Goodwill. As I have shared before, it is easy for me to pop into a Goodwill Store 3 or 4 times a week. So I will admit, if you spend that much time in one of their stores, the odds are good that you will find something. Today, I am sharing a few pics on what I found last Saturday at the brand new Goodwill in South Portland, just one stop, at one store.
As you see from my banner, I love green. This little creamer was my first purchase and is already on my kitchen shelf with my others. (And yes, I was collecting Fireking long before Martha Stewart showcased it in her magazine when she was decorating her daughter's apartment with these dishes, and then the prices went through the roof, because every dealer felt that if Martha collects it, we can charge more.)
I was even more excited when I found this platter. It has handles on either side that I accidentally cropped out of the photo, oops. It is about 14 inches across, and yes it is one of my favorite colors. It was on the bottom shelf and topped with a stack of newer plates made in China. I was not expecting to see it marked Redwing. Probably my best find of the day.
Ironstone for $.99 a piece, need I say more? The little flower plates are marked USA . My plan is to place a little nest and eggs in the center of each plate. At $.50 cents, if they don't turn out well, no real money invested. I just loved the plates simple graphics.
The silver tray and pedestal tray will both be used at the Bridal Shower I am catering on Saturday. Can you ever have too much silver shine? The Pewter tankard was only $.99 and it is engraved Robert and has the clear glass bottom. Nope, I don't know any Robert's but thought it would make a lovely vase.
Once again, you never can have too much glassware. To the far left is a little hot beverage container. It is next to a charming glass creamer. In the back row are 2 tall frosted glasses in the green and pink. I have a large frosted pink bowl that matches these glasses. The other tall glass is really heavy and it reminds me of what you would find in a restaurant for your ice cream floats. I am not sure if it is vintage, but at $.99 it is a thrifty find. The silver rimmed glasses are going to be added to a box of bar glasses that I am collecting for a gift for a friend.
I love this plate. It is a cream/brown flower plate, Johnson Brothers, England.
Two hand embroidered pillowcases. There are just a few places that still show the printed on design missing the completed stitching. One pillowcase for Ma, the other for PA.
This 3 piece set was in an earlier pic. It has a white lining that you can see is worn in a few spots. The size of the pieces seem a little small to be for regular use and I am wondering if it wasn't part of a toy set. I have started to clean the silver and it is coming out well; however, in this unpolished state, it would look lovely holding a few succulents or moss covered rocks.
Don't you just love the "puppy dog eyes" that this piece has? It isn't ceramic or plaster of paris, could it be chalkware? This is an area I have no knowledge of, and any help would be appreciated. He will be a gift for my friend whose own dog looks like this charming little fellow. The poodle pin was equally as charming and I won't be wearing it as a pin, but rather incorporating it into a new artistic endeavor.
This was all from only one of far too many trips to Goodwill. I look at it this way (as in rationalize and justify). For the few dollars that I spent, would not even cover the price of admission to a movie, plus popcorn and drink for a night out .... and this was much more fun.
Please be sure to see what every one else is showing today and have fun thrifting.
The Bridal Shower is scheduled for Saturday and I am in full motion. As I discussed earlier, the theme is Breakfast at Tiffany's, which means the mod chicness of the 1960's, bold graphics, fun fashion and plenty of bling.
I normally use buffet markers to identify the food being served, especially if anything contains nuts. However my silver crown markers did not fit this theme. Since I am using pocketbooks and shoes in my tablescape design, I thought I could use some little shoe ornaments to do the job.
Now these garish little beauties were a Christmas Tree Shop find about 5 years ago, in fact an after Christmas sale of $.10 cents apiece. I used to have about 40 of them. The pink ones were on my Victorian Tree and the rest I used as gift packages toppers.
I had just boxed them up in January and had put them in my designated lawnsale closet to be sold this summer.
After taking over an hour digging through the boxes, I finally retrieved them. (This always happens. As soon as I put something out for the lawnsale, I need it.)
I pulled off the feathers and ribbons and armed with Krylon Chrome spray paint, a brand new can bought at Goodwill for $.99 cents, you can see the blue sticker on the can, I began the transformation of the shoes.
Next I used my tag punch, black and white scrapbook paper, and wired silver roses (a bag of them found at Goodwill for $.50 cents), for making my menu tags.
There was a metal loop at the back of each shoe for originally hanging the ornament. The flower stem fit perfectly in the loop to hold the tag in place.
And to think that I almost let these little beauties go.
Many of you have asked what is on the menu, so here it is.
Mimosas, Ice Tea and Punch
Fruit Platter with Dip
Waldorf Chicken Salad
Cornbread Muffin Sandwiches with Turkey and Cranberry Mustard
Mini Quiches, Ham & Cheese; Bacon, Feta & Spinach; and Crab meat
Banana Bread with flavored Cream Cheese, drizzled with honey (Click Here)
Sun Dried Tomato and Pesto Cheese Torte with crackers
I have got to get back to cooking. Have a great day.
P.S. Please forgive me for not responding to your recent kind comments. I have been a little out straight getting ready for the shower. I promise to do a proper visit to all when things slow down this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Today is Earth Day and what better way for me to celebrate the day is by doing my part to recycle...... in other words, it means a trip to Goodwill. Today I have donated three bags of clothing. By doing my part to donate, I have kept those bags out of a landfill. But my Earth Day celebrating just doesn't end with that donation, of course, I had to go inside to shop ......... but hey it is for a good cause and I help by recycling. Somebody has to do it. So here are a few of my finds that I would like to share and since they are vintage treasures, I thought the friends visiting Suzanne at Coloradolady would like to stop by and see for Vintage Thingie Thursday. By the way be sure to visit Suzanne and see all the fun treasures.
For my old blogging friends, they know I just love this color blue. (Check here to see my Kitchen.) So I had to have these three pieces. The covered casserole dish (USA) was $1.99, the mixing bowl (USA) was $1.99 and the the plate (England) was $.99 cents. The bowl had not been in the housewares section but rather next to the registers. Obviously someone decided at the last minute not to purchase it and luckily it was waiting there for me to find and bring home.
I buy a lot of artwork from Goodwill. Framed prints are an addiction of mine and you thought it was only plates. This is a sweet little watercolor scene. It is in its original frame and the sticker on the back reads "Product of Reliable Newark, NJ. - New York Scenes by Maymson" It is also stamped with a number that doesn't show in the photo. Price $2.99.
I love Ironstone. I got this entire grouping, at Goodwill. The large plate was $1.99 and the small plates and bowl were $.99 each as was the little pitcher. I have a few Bakelite handled forks on display in the pitcher, not Goodwill finds but lawnsale for $.25 cents each. The bowl was a little worn but makes the perfect place for a nest and a few eggs. The little bird is not vintage; however, the color is perfect and goes well with the nest. It was $.99 cents.
Did I mention that I also love Pink and anything marked California Pottery. The plate is marked but the cup isn't. Both were $.99 cents each.
As much as I had fun shopping today, it is more important to remember the purpose of Goodwill. Yes I find amazing treasures and have fun; however, by being a part of my community, it helps folks to recycle and serves a greater good. So do your part for Earth Day, get out there, donate and shop at your local Goodwill. Oh and don't forget to visit Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday. Thanks for stopping by.
I love to organize a party. Make it one with a fun approach, a little glam and a little bling, ...... I am in Heaven. As I posted last week, I am catering an upcoming Bridal Shower for a sophisticated Bride. The theme is Breakfast at Tiffany's. Think Little Black Dress and Diamonds Chic and that is my design inspiration.
First, I need to show a little update from that post. As you recall, I displayed a few repurposed band boxes that I will be using on the buffet table for height and visual interest. I was not 100% satisfied with the silver box with black tassel, so changed it out by adding this silver ribbon and bit of bling (bought at Goodwill for $.99 cents.) I like it much better this way.
Next, I was going to post about the party favors and menu cards that I am creating; however, a trip to Goodwill on Saturday morning changed all that. There in the housewares department were these Mercury Glass candlestick holders for $1.99 each. Their shape invoked the 1960's, perfect for Holly's apartment in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Now I was planning on using a few of my silver candlestick holders, but not all from my collection. Most of my silver is better suited for a Victorian High Tea. These were absolutely perfect for the look I am going for and I bought them all.
One of the ladies at the store told me that these were brand new from QVC. She had just opened them up from the original boxes. It seemed that these and other items had been stored in a horse trailer owned by the brother of the woman that apparently buys a lot from QVC. Now that it is spring, the trailer was needed for horses and not candlestick holders and he had warned her to move her stuff or loose it. (Ouch, that had to have hurt. I wonder if she knows her things are missing yet?)
I followed up my trip to Goodwill with a foray into Michaels. I wasn't really looking for anything but wanted to use last week's 40% coupon. They had a sale in the floral department and that is where I found these beauties ..... black Gerber daisies. I normally do not use silk flowers, much less black ones, but could not pass these up for only $1.00 each for the large and $.75 for the small.
I removed the flowers from their stems and they fit perfectly in the candle holders. How fun is that?
I think they will be gorgeous in a line down the center of the buffet table. What do you think?
Today I have decided to link up with Southern Hospitality for Today's Thrifty Finds. (Click hereto check out other fun finds). Normally when I think thrifty I only think of a vintage find; however, I am just ecstatic, dare I say giddy over both of my weekend thrifty finds. Thanks for letting me have fun showing you.
I also want to say a big thank you to all the nice ladies that left such sweet comments about my daughter's birthday. They were very touching and greatly appreciated. In case you were wondering about the Mother & Daughter photo, yes she looks just like her father. Thank goodness she got his nose, but at least my hair.
I could not tell you what I ate last night for supper, or what I was doing a week ago. But I can tell you what I was doing, what I ate, and how I felt 22 years ago, today, when my daughter was born. I had been out doing yard work. The day had been unseasonably warm and I was anxious to start cleaning out my gardens. Of course, being 9 months pregnant made it difficult to bend over to rake or pick up sticks; however, several neighborhood children had offered to help. The fresh air and the sun on my face felt good after what had seemed a never ending winter. I was anxious to start playing in the dirt and could hardly wait for the next couple of weeks to pass, until my baby's due date.
My husband and a buddy took advantage of the weather to play not 9 rounds of golf, but a full 18. Needless to say, all that walking and fresh air had tuckered him out and he was looking forward to a nice hot supper and relaxing evening. The spaghetti sauce had been cooking all day in the crock pot. It smelled great and we sat down to devour a meal of spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. Mind you, it was a delicious meal, but in hindsight, not a good choice when one is about to go into labor.
I had started to feel a little uncomfortable late in the afternoon and had assumed it was from all the physical activity. After all, I still had weeks to go and wasn't thinking it was time. Since the pain was starting to be rather persistent, we decided to just check things out. We only lived 15 minutes from the hospital so we got into the car and took off. Between our house and the hospital are railroad tracks. It was only after we had crossed the tracks that I remembered that I had left my magazine back home on the table. I had just gotten my new issue of Country Living and had been looking forward to reading it cover to cover. I figured we would have a wait at the hospital in getting checked out and I can not sit still, without anything to read or do, even for a minute. We returned home to pick up my magazine and the new National Geographic for my husband, of course that took us over the railroad tracks for a second time. With magazines in hand, we were on our way to the hospital, down our street, up the main avenue, and over the railroad tracks for a Third Time! Yes, the third time was indeed the charm. Everything you have ever heard about inducing labor by repeatedly driving over railroad tracks is true, oh my goodness yes it is true!
This was the first and only time that my daughter has been early for anything. There she was, absolutely perfect, ten toes, ten fingers, beautiful bright eyes and a smile that completely captured my heart. As the doctor handed me my little bundle of joy, he asked what her name was. My husband and I looked at each other and together answered, we don't know. First of all, I thought that I was carrying a son, it was just such a strong feeling. We had chosen to use both of our Dad's names, so a little boy would be named Joe Lewis, like the fighter. Secondly, we genuinely thought we still had time to pick a name just in case for a little girl. After a bit of discussion, the name Elizabeth was chosen. In the past 22 years I have cheered that name, blessed that name, been proud of that name, and yes yelled out that name in utter frustration, in the manner that only a mom can do, still with love. I couldn't imagine life without my daughter.
On May 1st, I will be catering a Bridal Shower. The bride is in her 30's and as such a little more sophisticated than some of the younger brides I have dealt with for such events. For the actual wedding, the bridesmaids will all be dressed in Black and each one will be wearing a dress and dress length of their own choosing, a trend that I have been seeing a lot more. Personally, I would have preferred that option in the weddings that I have been a participant.
Since this surprise shower will be a brunch, I thought what better theme for this bride-to-be, than "Breakfast at Tiffany's" combining the chicness, glam, little black dress style and plenty of bling.
The menu has been set, party favors designed, and a look created for the table that incorporates sophisticated style and elegance with a fun flair reminiscent of Holly Golightly herself. Think flower arrangements made with actual ladies shiny black pumps and pocketbooks as vases along with sumptuous silver candlestick holders and trays and of course all the cut crystal shining brightly as any diamond.
Over the next couple of weeks, I thought I would share the projects and recipes that I will be using for the event. First thing to discuss is the buffet table -- the "Look". I hate seeing a buffet spread laid out in a monotone fashion, all plates identical and on one level, flat on the table. Any good hostess knows that you eat with your eyes before ever tasting that first bite. The food may be 4 stars quality but if it looks bland and boring, it may taste the same way. Some of the dishes should be elevated to create visual interest.
I had found these band boxes at a lawn sale last summer knowing that I would of course be painting them or doing some other treatment to change their appearance. These are sturdy pieces that would easily hold a heavy food platter. So this is the Before photo.
With a little paper from the Dollar Store, a roll of trim for $1.00 at Michael's, wrapping paper on after-Christmas clearance from Old Navy for $1.00, Black Tassel for $.25 and of course spray paint, here is the After shot. I have a couple more boxes to create for the table, but you get the general idea of the look from these three. The next Bridal Shower post will be showcasing the serving pieces and the menu card holders.
Good Morning. The sun is shining and it is a lovely Wednesday is Rednesday. I wasn't sure what to show everyone who is participating in this punch of color little party hosted bySue at It's A Very Cherry World, that is until I stopped into Goodwill the other day. There were tons of red clothing and other fun red items, and lucky me, I just happened to have my camera.
This outfit consists of an Old Navy stripped shirt and chino's each at $4.99. The sunglasses are brand new at $2.98 and the sneakers $2.99. With this outfit you are ready for a stroll along the beach, shopping at the mall or a picnic at the park.
Here are several shirts at $4.99 each except the one on the far right, a brand new with tags shirt from Chico's for $7.99. The red polka dot shirt next to it is from Talbots. Scarves and a belt at $1.99 would complete any outfit.
Sweaters $4.99.
A red prom dress, brand new with the tags, only $14.99. When my daughter was in high school, she bought all her prom dresses at Goodwill.
Yes you can even buy brand new, with the tags, a red bra or two. $4.99.
For the guys, how about a red hat? Although the "Harley Girl" hat with flames would more than likely be a gift from the hubby. Hats $1.99.
Nothing says love more than Campbell's Soup with Grandpa. $.99 cents each.
After you finish your soup, you can settle down for movie night and make your own popcorn. Popcorn maker $7.99. Really, what can't you find at Goodwill?
The most important Red of the day, is this cart. Please use it to load up your donations to bring to the Goodwill store nearest you, and then fill it back up with your purchases at the store. Both your donations and purchases go to help a lot of folks on so many levels. Plus you end up with a cleaner closet and maybe a few fun vintage finds. It is a win/win situation for all. If you would like more information on the history of Goodwill, Linda at A La Carte had posted this little history segment back in March, please click here to read.
I had a few more outfits to show you featuring some GAP, L.L Bean, Jones of New York pieces; however, a few of my put together outfits disappeared before I had a chance to snap a photo. I guess a few ladies liked what I had assembled.
We have a winner of my 100 followers giveaway, Pam at the Pondering Princess. When I popped on over to give Pam the good news, I knew I had picked the right winner. There on her blog was a big button "I Love Pink". Of course if you recall, my giveaway was definitely a PINK theme. Today Pam has posted a recipe for Red Velvet Cupcakes. You know how I love Red Velvet cake, in fact in my giveaway post I had said I would bring balloons and red velvet cake to all my followers if I could. Now I have the perfect recipe. Yup, we may be talking road trip.
Thank you to all who entered, who left such nice comments and who posted my giveaway on their own blog. I had a lot of fun putting together the package and I hope that Pam has as much fun playing with everything. Please stop by and say a nice howdy at Live, Love, Laugh with the Pondering Princess.It has been such a great pleasure to meet you all. Have a wonderful day.
Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold. I first learned this song as a young girl in Girl Scouts and have never forgotten it. Back in January, I chose to share this song as part of my very first Silver Sunday. Thankfully,Beth @ Gypsy Fish Journaldecided to continue with Silver Sunday as the Second Sunday because today I want to share about both my golden friends and my silver new friends that this song reminds me of and this Sunday party is the perfect place to introduce them. Thank you Beth for hosting the party.
My best friend is Darcy. You met her on an earlier Silver Sunday post. She is the wonderful lady with the log cabin home decorated Victorian Shabby Chic, with the pet goats (Rachel, Phoebe and Monica), the pet pig and the 6 foot tall Suit of Armour. (If you missed it, please click here.) There isn't a room in my home that doesn't have some plate, artwork or pillow that wasn't a gift from her. She knows my style to a T. Years ago she presented me with these lovely silver fruit, some of you may have already seen them, but I wanted to add what makes them so special. For all my friend's immeasurable talents, the one she lacks, she does not sew. When she first presented me this fruity gift, they were in a cast iron basket that was lined with a cloth napkin that she had painstakingly sewn and embellished. Of course I loved the fruit; however, knowing what it took for her to figure out the operation of a sewing machine, done only for a best friend, that gift was priceless.
I have known Melody for over 25 years. Our paths have varied over the years but we always find ourselves reconnecting. She currently is my office assistant and thank goodness she keeps me focused at the tasks at hand. Like many of us, she is helping her elderly parents begin the process of cleaning out and downsizing. Recently her mom passed on to her a pair of silver wine glasses. They are a beautiful soft silver, but what makes them even more beautiful is the music they produce. When clicked together, a note emanates from these goblets, clear and bright, as a note sounding forth from a silver bell. It really is quite amazing. When she presented them to me, knowing that I would appreciate and use them. I felt honored. I promised to cherish them as if they had been a gift from my own mother.
I count both Darcy and Melody as true and golden friends. Not into blogging themselves, they nonetheless are supportive of my efforts and encourage me as I learn new computer skills. Please note the fancy framed photos. I have been practicing and having too much fun.
As much as I love my old friends, it has been because of blogging that I have met so many new and delightful friends....... My Silver friends. This is how I met Shara of Monkeybox. Awhile back she was showing her finds from a school rummage sale. All fun finds. Then she showed what she found in a box of vintage Christmas decorations ...... silver plastic reindeer and a sleigh. They were my reindeer or I should say the reindeer I had as childhood Christmas Decorations. I left Shara a comment on how special those reindeer were to me as they reminded me of my father. I now only had a few and I don't remember if there had been a sleigh but at some point in time, there must have been one for my set as well. It had been so amazing to see this find of hers because I have never seen these reindeer anywhere else, ever.
Imagine my surprise when the day after I posted my comment, Shara responded by asking if I would like the sleigh and the reindeer. We had just met! How sweet and thoughtful and more meaningful to me than she knew. I received her e-mail on March 15th. The date may have significance to only a few that know it is the Ides of March, the day Caesar was killed. However, it has significance to me as it was the day my father passed away. I was only 13. This friendly gesture from a stranger was as if my father was saying hello to me, that very day, through Shara. The silver may be only plastic, and an antler or two may be missing, but these little reindeer and sleigh are worth more than gold to me. Had it not been for blogging and my stopping over to Monkeybox for a visit, I would not have met this lovely lady. I would love to go junkin' with her anytime.
Here is a photo of the combined sets of reindeer and the sleigh. I only need to find one more. Because they were Christmasey, I decided to show them in my garden for a more springtime feel.
When I wrote back to say Thank you to Shara I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I waited until now to do a proper blog post thank you. I knew then that I wanted to save it for today's Silver Sunday. But I find today that I have more thank you's to share. You see, my previous post talked about a giveaway prize I had just received in the mail. The timing had been perfect as I had been rather sick with a cold. I was only mentioning the cold to set the tone for just how nice getting a fun package on an otherwise horrible day had been. What I had not expected but was not surprised at, the thoughtfulness of my fellow bloggers and the sweet comments that post generated, concerns for my health.
So a special thank you to Melinda at 15 Bella Vie, Carol at Old Glory Cottage , Linda at A La Carte , Sweet Bee Cottage, and Athena at a Weblog of Artist Athena Workmanfor your kind thoughts. I would invite you all and Shara over to my house for tea and rich red velvet cupcakes if only I could. Please be sure to stop by and say hello to these lovely ladies, and see their fun blogs, their gorgeous jewelry and amazing one of a kind dolls. When I wrote about doing a giveaway to celebrate having 100 followers, I remarked that my blog is both a journal of my life as well as a journey. Having such great folks join me in my travels brings me such joy and happiness. How lovely is that .... all the silver in the world can not buy that feeling.
Thank you for enduring a lengthy post, but I wanted to take the proper time to say Thank You to all. Please be sure to visit Beth and all the other folks participating in today's Silver Sunday. She certainly knows how to throw a party.
I will be announcing the winner of my giveaway Sunday. Not to keep up the suspense on purpose, it is late and I ran out of time to add up all the comments and extra chances. Good luck to all.