Hi everyone. I know I have been absent for awhile. Please let me explain my blog MIA status. For those of you who read my blog, you know that I have been having problems with my computer and technical problems with the look of my blog. My banner/background problems were fortunately resolved by a very sweet fellow blogger who was kind enough to help me out. Now for the computer, no sooner had I paid to get it fixed then a new problem started with the screen. Suffice it to say, I now have a brand new computer along with a much smaller balance in my savings account. I tried to work around the squiggly lines darting across the screen; however, the ensuing headaches after a session of trying to use my laptop just was not worth it. Of course, I had lost everything when my hard drive fried, (the first repair) all my stored memories, documents and photos......gone!
Oh well. Time to start over. I held out hope for as long as I could that it might get better. In the end , you have to know when to admit it can't be saved and that you have to start anew.
Normally I do not mind if something is broken, like my beloved "Shelfski's". A crack here or there, if positioned on your shelf in such a manner as to have the flaws hidden from view, only adds to its charm. Unfortunately, computers are a different story. Even worse, when it is your marriage that is broken, with new cracks multiplying daily and no longer being able to hide all the flaws from view................ That is where I find myself today, with a 30 year marriage ending.
Oh well. Time to start over. I held out hope for as long as I could that it might get better. In the end , you have to know when to admit it can't be saved and that you have to start anew.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. I had just needed a little time to take a deep breath, get my thoughts and feelings in order, and go forward. My new Year's chat was about doing just that (please click here). My personal GPS will always keep me going in a forward direction, even if I miss a turn along the way, as long as I keep going forward, I will reach my destination. Like I always say, life is a journey.